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Kids Online Privacy Policy

Notice of Information Collection Practices

This Privacy Policy is intended to inform you and your parents of the types of personal information collected from kids, how it is collected, how to review and change or delete that information, and who is collecting and keeping it.

How to Contact Us

The web site is operated by Mike Barnard. I collect minimal personal information from our kid users which is necessary to participate in certain areas of the web site. If you have any questions or wish to contact me, please email me at

The Information We Collect and How We Collect It

As required by the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA"), Kids Online will never require you to give more information than is reasonably necessary to participate in any online activity. You can enjoy the Kids Online web site by playing games, reading stories, and surfing our site without providing any personally identifiable information ("PII"). We may ask for your nickname or gender, but these are not considered PII because they do not specifically identify you.
However, if you want to participate in some other features, as many kids do, such as chatting, posting on message boards, free email, creating web pages or other areas needing parental permission, we ask you to register and provide us with the following PII: your parent's email address, and your email address. Some areas of the site may also ask for your age and/or first name but this information is not required. Any additional information other than this is not needed nor is it suggested that you use it or display it while using any of our services.
The Kids Online email service is actually handled by and NOT by Kids Online. We have NO control over this service and anyone using it or wanting to sign up should visit their web site to learn about their policy and requirements for use. We can NOT be responsible for anything concerning this service as we have no control over it.
The method of data collection described, in which we ask you to provide information to us, is the only way in which we collect PII from you. Kids Online does not use "cookies," other than a temporary session cookie as required by COPPA regulations for use during the Kids Club signup process. If you decide to save your page in the Kids Online Library a cookie will be used to store that information also. We do not support the use of advertisements. Email addresses and/or any of your personal information is NOT sold or given to any 3rd parties. We only use the information for access and use of our web site.

Why We Collect Information

We ask for your parent's email address so that we can contact them and ask them to send in their parental consent forms, which will allow you to participate in our interactive features. Your email address is required in order to hold users accountable for their actions (for example in our chat rooms) without compromising their physical location.
We use non-personal information (age, sex and state or country) that you provide to us to customize our site and help us to provide better content to you. will NEVER share, sell or otherwise distribute your PII without your parent's permission.

How to View/Change Your Child's Information or Cancel His or Her Account

COPPA requires that parents be allowed to review their child's PII, have it deleted and refuse to allow further collection or use of that information. If you wish to review, change, or delete your child's information, or cancel your child's account, please email me at and indicate your child's nickname and email address.

If You Have Further Questions
Please email:

For Parental Consent Form Click Here
(Print form and mail to address given.)