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(1) For 686 Pentium II/ Pentium III/ Celeron motherboard:

Q1: The Unknown PCI Bridgeand Unknown PCI Universal Serial Busis shown on device manager under Windows 95. How can I remove the unknown devices?

A: Because some controllers that in Intel PIIX4/PIIX4E Chipset are not recognized by Windows 95. You need to install USB supplement service pack ( either form Windows 95 OSR2.1 with USB supplement or down load the USB supplement driver form Microsoft ) to your system in order to enable the USB port. Besides, please run the winp2x4.exe file under Windows 95 and follow the prompts to complete the installation procedure . The winp2x4.exe file is stored in CD driver disk \bridge sub-directory.

Q2: What are the jumpers setting for Celeron 366 or 400MHz on all of the Pentium II/ Pentium III/ Celeron processor motherboards?

A: The Ratio of some latest CPUs are fixed by Intel, such as Celeron 366, 400 ...etc. You can ignore the CPU frequency selection jumpers ( JF0, JF1, JF2,...), if you have this CPU on board. Please check with the CPU manufacturer or vendor for the CPU Ratio information. 

Q3: Why the Resume by Ringfunction can not work properly?

A: After you set this function as enable , You must save BIOS setting and let system to enter the environment of DOS or Windows 95/98 Operation System before system is power off.

Q4: Why the P2LXA, P2LXB and P2BXA Motherboard can not work with Celeron 300A or 333 CPU ?

A: Please upgrade the BIOS to newest version with Pentium II/ III or Celeron 266, 300 CPU first then these motherboard can work fine with Celeron 300A or 333 CPU. The BIOS version are as below:
P2LXA  : BIOS VER:1.32 or later
P2LXB  : BIOS VER:1.03 or later
P2BXA  :BIOS VER:1.031 or later

Q5: I install Pentium III CPU on P2BXA ( P2BXB, P2BXA-V, P2BXB-V or P2BXI ) motherboard but system detects it as Pentium II CPU .

A: Please upgrade the BIOS to newest version then Pentium III CPU can be recognized properly on these motherboards. The BIOS version are as below:
P2BXA  : BIOS VER:1.06 or later
P2BXB  : BIOS VER:1.03 or later
P2BXA-V   :BIOS VER:1.01 or later                                                                      
P2BXB-V   :BIOS VER:1.02 or later
P2BXI    :BIOS VER:1.1 or later
Q6: I have the BIOS VER:1.1 (1.03) on P2BXB but every time system doesn't show the COM2 (2F8) port on the system configuration menu when system is booting.

A: Please upgrade the BIOS to VER:1.2 or later version then the COM2 (2F8) port can be recognized properly.

Q7: The sound card sometimes doesn't give out a sound on P2/370A.

A: Please upgrade the BIOS to VER:1.1 or later version then the sound card can work properly.

(2) For 586 Pentium/ AMD/ Cyrix motherboard:

Q8: What are the jumpers setting for new AMD K6-2/ K6-III series & Cyrix M II series CPU on S7AX motherboard?

A: Please follow the below settings to set up the jumpers:
CPU Type CPU Vcore Voltage (JP6) Clock (JP4 & JP7)
AMD K6-2/333 2.2V 66MHz * 5.0
AMD K6-2/333 2.2V 95MHz * 3.5
AMD K6-2/350 2.2V 100MHz * 3.5
AMD K6-2/366 2.2V 66MHz * 5.5
AMD K6-2/380 2.2V 95MHz * 4.0
AMD K6-2/400 2.2V 100MHz * 4.0
AMD K6-2/450 2.4V 100MHz * 4.5
AMD K6-2/475 2.4V 95MHz * 5.0
AMD K6-III/400 2.4V 100MHz * 4.0
AMD K6-III/450 2.4V 100MHz * 4.5
AMD K6-III/500 2.4V 100MHz * 5.0
Cyrix 6x86MX-PR266(83MHz) 2.9V 83MHz * 2.5
Cyrix M II-300 (75MHz) 2.9V 75MHz * 3.0
Cyrix M II-333 (83MHz) 2.9V 83MHz * 3.0
Cyrix M II-350 (95MHz) 2.9V 95MHz * 3.0
Cyrix M II-366 (100MHz) 2.9V 100MHz * 3.0

Q9: What are the CPU Vcore voltage jumper settings for AMD K6-III CPU series on S7AX or S7SXB motherboard?

A:Please set the CPU Vcore voltage jumpers as 2.4V if AMD K6-III series CPU on S7AX or S7SXB motherboard .  
For S7AX motherboard:   JP6:1-2:open,  3-4:open,  5-6:short,   7-8:open,  9-10:open
For S7SXB motherboard: JV0:2-3,   JV1:2-3,   JV2:1-2,    JV3:2-3,   JV4:2-3 

Q10: I have installed a AGP VGA card on S7AX ( or P2BXA-V, P2BXB-V ) motherboard. How to use it under Windows 95/98 ?

A:  for Windows 95 :                                                                                                          (1) Install Windows 95 OSR2 or later version.
(2) Upgrade Windows 95 to version OSR2.1 by running USBSUPP.EXE. We can get this file from Microsoft ( ) .
(3) Install Microsoft DirectX 5.0 or later version. We can get this driver from Microsoft too.
(4) Install AGP driver. It is contained in driver diskette.Please copy the AGP driver to your HDD and decompress it first.
(5) Install VGA driver.
      for Windows 98:
(1) Install Windows 98.
(2) Install AGP driver.It is contained in driver diskette.Please copy the AGP driver to your HDD and decompress it first.
(3) Install VGA driver.

Q11: I can't install Realtek 8019/8029 Network card on S7AX motherboard.

A: The S7AX motherboard can work fine with Realtek 8019 ISA & 8029 PCI LAN card. Please follow the below steps to setup your LAN configuration:                                        (1) Open "My computer", and select "Control Panel" icon.                                                (2) Select "Network" icon, and select "Add" button.                                                          (3) Click "Protocol" item.                                                                                                 (4) Click "Add" button.                                                                                                    (5) Select "Microsoft" from Manufacturer list.                                                                   (6) Select "IPX/SPX-compatible protocol" from Network protocol list then click "OK" button.                                                                                                                             (7) Restart system.                                                    

Q12: The Unknown PCI Cardis shown on device manager after Windows 95 is installed on S7SXB . How can I remove the unknown devices?

A: Please follow the below steps to remove & re-install the device:
(1) Remove the unknown PCI Card.
(2) Restart the system.
(3) The Windows 95 Update Device Driver Wizard will detect the device and show "PCI Card", you have to attempt to locate a CD Driver Disk into CD-ROM drive.
(4) Click "Next" button.
(5) Select the "Other Locations..." button.
(6) Type in D:\S7SXB\VGA\WIN9x" then click "OK" button.(assume the D is CD-ROM drive)
(7) Click "Finish" button.

Q13: The Ultra DMA 66 HDD is installed on S7SXB but this HDD can't be recognized as UDMA 66. What can I do for this system?

A: Please make sure you have the below components/devices on the S7SXB.These components/devices are needed for UDMA 66 function.
(1) You must have BIOS VER:1.1 or later on board.
(2) You must have 80-pin ribbon cable for UDMA 66 HDD.