This is a sample text file written specifically for demonstrating Smooth Talker's capability to read an ascii file from disk and speak it. When writing text for use with Smooth Talker, you should keep the following rules in mind. 1. Smooth Talker pronounces the name of capital letters when more than one occurs in sequence, or when a capital stands alone. For example, the letter 'I' or the abreviation 'OK'. If you want smooth talker to spell out a word, then just put it in capital letters like this, 'CAT'. The exception is when the entire sentence is in capitals, as in: 'SEE SPOT RUN, SEE SPOT PLAY'. Since Smooth Talker always sounds out small letters, most of your text will have to be written this way. 2. Spaces cause a pause. The spaces between words allow Smooth Talker to speak with out running words together. Multiple spaces cause Smooth Talker to wait longer and longer. 3. Smooth Talker does not always pronounce words correctly, even when they are spelled right. This file was not edited, but <<~EHdEHtEHd>>. The word in brackets is the proper phonetic spelling. 4. Abbreviations are pronounced correctly with Smooth Talker, for example: Dr Jones. Ms Smith. Inflation was 11% + during the 1970's. This file was updated on November 6th, 1987 @ 06:13:10 PM.