Sound Blaster 16 Readme File ============================ This file contains additional information to supplement the manual. Please read all the sections before you proceed with the installation. This file contains the following sections: 1. Installation 2. Uninstallation. 3. DOS Environment settings 4. DOS Audio Driver Support under Windows 95 DOS Box 5. Using CREATIVE IDE CD-ROM drive in MSDOS Mode 6. BLASTER settings under MSDOS Mode 1. INSTALLATION The full installation option requires about 6 MBytes of hard disk space and addition of 2MB for working space. You might need more if your drive is in compressed form. 2. UNINSTALLATION Before uninstalling the software package, ensure that all Sound Blaster 16 applications are closed. Any Sound Blaster 16 application that is running while uninstall is in progress will not be deleted Also, files that are added to the Sound Blaster 16 directory after the initial software installation will not be deleted by the uninstall process. You will have to manually delete these files after the uninstallation process is completed. Some of the files in the Windows directory are sharable by other applications. The uninstallation will prompt you when it tries to delete these files. You should select not to delete the files unless you are very sure that the files are no longer in use by Windows. 3. DOS ENVIRONMENT SETTINGS Some of the existing DOS programs require the presence of MIDI and SOUND environments in order for them to work. The Setup program will add the SET MIDI and SET SOUND environment lines at the beginning of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 4. DOS AUDIO DRIVER SUPPORT UNDER WINDOWS 95 DOS BOX Some of the DOS applications are developed with Creative's Sound Blaster Developer Kit. These applications require the low level DOS audio device drivers to be loaded. To load the DOS audio drivers, you need to add the following lines to the CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=C:\\DRV\CTSB16.SYS /UNIT=0 /BLASTER=A:220 I:5 D:1 H:5 /WIN95 DEVICE=C:\\DRV\CTMMSYS.SYS Remarks: a. is the sound directory where the audio software is located. b. The /BLASTER parameter specifies the Sound Blaster base I/O port address (A), interrupt request line (I), low 8-bit DMA channel (D) and high 16-bit DMA channel (H). c. The settings in the /BLASTER parameter must tally with the actual settings allocated by Windows 95. To find out the actual settings, go into Windows 95 DOS box, and type SET and press at the DOS prompt. You will see one of the lines displayed is: BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6 The values after the A, I, D and H are the actual settings to be used for the /BLASTER parameter. To help you set up the DOS audio drivers, we have prepared a text file CONFIG.TXT in the sound directory. This text file contains the above lines to specify the DOS audio drivers. The sound directory in the text file had been updated by the installation program. You just need to update the /BLASTER parameter and copy the lines into the CONFIG.SYS file. 5. USING CREATIVE IDE CD-ROM DRIVE UNDER MSDOS MODE When you open an MSDOS Mode session, the system will close all other active Windows-based or MSDOS-based programs. You can return to Windows 95 by typing exit. There are two ways that you can do to open an MSDOS Mode session. Shutdown the system and choose the Restart the computer in MSDOS mode option. or Change your MSDOS session properties by checking the MSDOS mode box under the Advanced Program Settings. You can specify whether you want to use the current MSDOS configuration, or specify a new MSDOS configuration. If you connect Creative IDE CD-ROM drive to the IDE interface that comes with your card, you need to do the following steps to make your CD-ROM drive work under MSDOS mode: 5.1 Shutdown and restart the computer in MSDOS mode option You need to add the following lines inside the DOSSTART.BAT : C:\\CTLOAD C:\\DRV\SBIDE.SYS /D:MSCD001 /V /P:1E8,11,3EE C:\\COMMAND\MSCDEX /D:MSCD001 /V /M:8 Remarks: a. DOSSTART.BAT is batch file located in the Windows directory and it is executed everytime you shut down to MSDOS mode. b. is the sound directory where the audio software is located. c. is the Windows directory. To help you set up the DOS audio drivers, we have prepared a text file DOSSTART.TXT in the sound directory. This text file contains the above lines to specify the DOS CD-ROM drivers. The sound directory in the text file has been updated by the installation program. You don't need to change any of the parameters. 5.2 Changing MSDOS session properties and selecting MSDOS mode with current configuration You need to do the same steps as above 5.3 Changing MSDOS session properties and selecting MSDOS mode with new configuration You need to add the following lines inside the new AUTOEXEC.BAT : C:\\CTPNP C:\\CTLOAD C:\\DRV\SBIDE.SYS /D:MSCD001 /V /P:1E8,11,3EE C:\\COMMAND\MSCDEX /D:MSCD001 /V /M:8 Remarks: a. is the sound directory where the audio software is located. b. is the Windows directory. 6. BLASTER settings under MSDOS Mode Whenever you change your Audio hardware configuration manually, the BLASTER environment under MSDOS Mode will only be valid after you reboot the system once. However, if you proceed to MSDOS Mode without rebooting, you need to run CTPNP.EXE which is in your Windows directory. This program makes the BLASTER environment tally with the actual hardware settings. ********** E N D O F R E A D M E **********