SOUND BLASTER 2.0 LATEST INFORMATION ==================================== This file contains information not available during the printing of the manual. Please read all the sections before you proceed with any installation procedure. This file contains the following sections: 1. Software Package Listing 2. Creative WaveStudio 3. Creative Soundo'LE 4. Talking Scheduler 5. READDRV Utility 6. Maximum Sampling Rates For Packed Voice Files 1. SOFTWARE PACKAGE LISTING The following files reside on the distribution diskette(s): INSTALL .EXE - Hard disk installation program INSTALL .00? - Installation data files DISK .ID - Disk identification file README .COM - Program to display the README.TXT file README .TXT - This file TEST-SBC.EXE - Sound Blaster 2.0 card test program The following files will be installed to your hard disk. In the \SB sub-directory: README .COM - Program to display the README.TXT file README .TXT - This file TEST-SBC.EXE - Sound Blaster 2.0 card test program INST-DRV.EXE - Program to reinstall drivers settings SET-ENV .EXE - Sound Blaster 2.0 BLASTER environment set up program SBFMDRV .COM - Resident driver for FM music WINSETUP.EXE - Sound Blaster Windows 3.1 applications and drivers set up program. WINSETUP.INF - WINSETUP program information file * .BAT - Batch files to run Sound Blaster 2.0 software In the \SB\DRV sub-directory: CT-VOICE.DRV - Loadable driver for voice memory version CTVDSK .DRV - Loadable driver for voice disk version ORGAN .DRV - FM Intelligent Organ driver In \SB\FMORGAN sub-directory: FMORGAN .EXE - FM Intelligent Organ program * .ORG - Sample organ files In the \SB\PARROT directory : VOICE .DRV - Talking Parrot voice driver PARROT .EXE - Talking Parrot program MAKEPV .EXE - Program to make Talking Parrot voices PARROTV .VCB - Talking Parrot voices PARROT .E? - Talking Parrot EGA picture files PARROT .C? - Talking Parrot CGA picture files In \SB\PLAYCMF sub-directory: PLAYCMF .EXE - CMF music file player * .CMF - CMF music files In the \SB\PLAYMIDI directory : PLAYMIDI.EXE - MIDI file player * .MID - Sample MIDI files In the \SB\MMPLAY sub-directory. MMDEMO .ACT - Script file for MMPLAY demo MMDEMO .BAT - Batch file for MMPLAY demo MMPLAY .CFG - MMPLAY configuration file FLCVESA .DRV - FLC VESA driver PCXDRV .DRV - PCX driver MMPLAY .EXE - MMPLAY program * .VOC - Sample voice files for MMPLAY demo * .CMF - Sample CMF music files for MMPLAY demo * .FLI - Sample image files for MMPLAY demo In the \SB\SBSIM sub-directory. MUSIC .EXE - Music file player VOICE .EXE - Voice file player SBSIM .CFG - Configuration file for SBSIM driver SBSIM .COM - SBSIM driver SOUNDFX .EXE - Effects controller In the \SB\SCHEDULE sub-directory: FB_DEFLT.DIC - } First byte FB_SPCH .DLL - } Pro-Voice FB_11K8 .DLL - } engine FB_TIMER.DLL - } FB_NGN .EXE - } BWCC .DLL - Borland's Windows custom control dynamic link library OCLCTL .DLL - OLE client control dynamic link library SCHEDULE.EXE - Talking Scheduler program SCHEDULE.HLP - Talking Scheduler help file In the \SB\VOCUTIL sub-directory : JOINTVOC.EXE - Program to join voice files READDRV .EXE - Program to scan and display Creative's drivers on your system VEDIT2 .EXE - Voice Editor II program VOC2WAV .EXE - Voice file to Wave file converter VOC-HDR .EXE - Program to add a header to raw voice files VPLAY .EXE - Program to play voice files VREC .EXE - Program to record voice (.VOC) files VSR .EXE - Program to change sampling rate WAV2VOC .EXE - Wave file to voice file converter * .VOC - Sample voice files In the \SB\WINAPPL sub-directory: CTRES .DLL - Creative's resources dynamic link library CTWCC .DLL - Creative's Windows custom control dynamic link library CTWAVE .EXE - Creative WaveStudio program MMJBOX .EXE - Multimedia Jukebox (.MID player) MOSAIC .EXE - Mosaic game program MOSAIC .HLP - Mosaic game help file SOUNDOLE.EXE - Creative wave OLE server * .BMP - Sample bitmap files In the \SB\WINDRV sub-directory: VSBPD .386 - Windows virtual device driver MIDIMAP .CFG - Windows MIDI map configuration file SBFM .DRV - MIDI Driver SB20SND .DRV - Wave and MIDI driver OEMSETUP.INF - Windows set up file 2. CREATIVE WAVESTUDIO Version 1.0 ----------- a. Playback capabilities - WaveStudio loads wave files into memory for editing. By default, it plays back the wave file directly from your disk drive for efficiency reasons. When you edit a file, in order to play back the changes that you have made, WaveStudio will play it back from memory. For smaller wave files, this is not a problem. However, you may experience "jerky" playback of large wave files. This applies if you are using Windows in Enhanced Mode and are using virtual memory (utilizing the Windows swapfile). To eliminate this, save your changes and then playback; WaveStudio will play back from disk and you will not hear the interruptions. b. Virtual memory - If you are using Windows in Enhanced Mode, we suggest that you use a permanent swap file for your virtual memory. This can be configured using the 386 Enhanced applet in the Windows Control Panel. c. Insufficient memory - If you do not have sufficient memory to load a wave file into memory for editing, WaveStudio will not display the waveform and you will not be able to perform any editing on the wave. However you can still play back the wave file. 3. CREATIVE SOUNDO'LE Creative Soundo'LE uses the hard disk as the working space. Recording and playback are done directly to your hard disk. 4. TALKING SCHEDULER a. Making appointments Appointments can only be made on a 1 day time-slot. For example, you cannot make an appointment that begins at 11 pm and ends at 1 am. 5. READDRV UTILITY A utility READDRV.EXE is provided with this software package. This utility identifies the versions of Creative drivers. The entry format for READDRV is: READDRV [/H | /?] [Driver Path] where /H or /? - Displays a Help screen Driver Path - Specifies the path containing the Creative Drivers. If this parameter is not specified, the current path is assumed. READDRV checks for the existence of any command line parameters. If a directory is specified, this utility will attempt to scan the directory and read the drivers. If no path is specified, the current directory will be scanned and the drivers read (If any). If no drivers exist in this directory, the program will read SOUND environment and search the DRV directory specified in the SOUND environment. 6. MAXIMUM SAMPLING RATES FOR PACKED VOICE FILES Sound Blaster 2.0 implements some compression schemes for voice files. These allow space-savings of 2, 3 or 4 times, depending on the scheme used (2:1, 3:1 or 4:1 compression, respectively). This diversity in compression schemes results in different maximum sampling rates for each scheme. The valid sampling rates are as follows: 8-bit (uncompressed) 4 KHz - 44.1 KHz 2:1 compression 4 KHz - 12 KHz 3:1 compression 4 KHz - 13 KHz 4:1 compression 4 KHz - 11 KHz As a result of these limits, you cannot pack voice files that have sampling rates outside these bounds. Attempting to do so will cause the VOXKIT program to generate a "file cannot be packed" error. ********* End of README *********