README.TXT ========== This file contains additional information to supplement the manual. Please read all the sections before you proceed with the installation. This file contains the following sections: 1. DOS drivers 2. Blaster line 3. Online documentation 4. Acknowledgement 1. DOS DRIVERS During custom installation, you have the options to include the following DOS drivers to your CONFIG.SYS file. DEVICE=C:\SB16\DRV\CTSB16.SYS /UNIT=0 /BLASTER=A:220 I:5 D:1 H:5 DEVICE=C:\SB16\DRV\CTMMSYS.SYS where : BLASTER=A:220 I:5 D:1 H:5 indicates the hardware resources used by your audio card. The CTSB16.SYS driver has been improved to support different models of audio cards. The BLASTER switch will not have any effect if you are using a Plug and Play audio card. For such cards, the hardware resources will be allocated by the Intel Configuration Manager. In this case, Intel Configuration Manager has to be loaded before your DOS audio drivers. 2. BLASTER LINE The BLASTER line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6 will not have any effect if you are using a Plug and Play audio card for the same reason as above. 3. ONLINE DOCUMENTATION To help you access information on the applications in this package easily, we have compiled the online documentation so that it can be accessed from your audio card's group window. Just click on the icon(s) with names that start with the words "How to Use". 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The included version of SB16FM.DRV is from Voyetra Technologies. ******** END OF README.TXT ********