SOUND BLASTER 2.0 README.TXT ============================ This file contains additional information to supplement the manual. Please read all the sections before you proceed with the installation. This file contains the following sections: 1. Environment Variables 1. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES There are three environment variables used to signify information of our Sound Blaster cards: SOUND, BLASTER and MIDI. These variables will be setup during your Sound Blaster installation. SOUND environment variable The SOUND environment variable specifies the directory location of Sound Blaster 2.0 drivers and software. The command for setting the SOUND environment variable is as follows: SET SOUND= Note that there is no space before and after the = (equal) sign. BLASTER environment variable The BLASTER environment variable specifies the base I/O address, interrupt number and DMA channel hardware configuration of the Sound Blaster 2.0. The command for setting the BLASTER environment variable is as follows: SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 T3 Where: A Specifies the Sound Blaster 2.0 base I/O port I Specifies the interrupt request line D Specifies the DMA channel T Specifies the card type Note that there is no space before and after the = (equal) sign, but there must be at least one space between two settings. MIDI environment variable The MIDI environment variable specifies the MIDI file format used and where the MIDI data is sent to. The MIDI data can be sent to FM chips or Sound Blaster MIDI port. Generally, there are three MIDI file formats available in the market, General MIDI, Extended MIDI and Basic MIDI. The command for setting the BLASTER environment variable is as follows: SET MIDI=SYNTH:<1/2> MAP: Where: SYNTH: 1 Specifies internal synthesizer (default) 2 Specifies Sound Blaster MIDI port MAP: G Specifies General MIDI file format E Specifies Extended MIDI file format (default) B Specifies Basic MIDI file format ******** END OF README.TXT ********