SOUND BLASTER PRO LATEST INFORMATION ===================================== 1. INSTALLATION A hard disk is required for Sound Blaster Pro software installation. The installation is done by executing the hard disk installation program, INST-HD.EXE found on the diskette labeled "Sound Blaster Pro Disk #1". The files on the distribution diskettes are compressed. INST-HD.EXE and LHARC.EXE will expand them into your hard disk. INST-HD.EXE installs the Sound Blaster Pro software under the directory, \SBPRO. Several subdirectories are automatically created under this directory. To begin the installation, follow these steps: (Assuming you are using floppy drive A and hard disk drive C) 1. Place the distribution diskette labeled "Sound Blaster Pro Disk #1" in Drive A and change to Drive A: 2. Type INST-HD C: and press Enter. If you decide to expand the files manually, run the LHARC.EXE program (found on the "Sound Blaster Pro Disk #1" disk) on any .LZH file. For example, to expand INST-DRV.EXE from the PROGRAM.LZH file on Drive A, type: LHARC x A:PROGRAM.LZH INST-DRV.EXE This places INST-DRV.EXE onto the current drive or directory (assumes LHARC.EXE is already in the current drive or directory). INST-HD.EXE automatically inserts the SOUND and BLASTER environment settings into your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 2. PACKAGE CONTENTS The Sound Blaster Pro software package contains: - Four 5.25" 360K diskettes - Sound Blaster Pro Disk #1 - Sound Blaster Pro Disk #2 - Sound Blaster Pro Disk #3 - Sound Blaster Pro Disk #4 - Two 3.5" 720K diskettes - Sound Blaster Pro Disk #1 - Sound Blaster Pro Disk #2 The first two 360K diskettes are packed into the first 720K diskette and the remaining two 360K diskettes into the second 720K diskette. The following are files contained in the 360K diskettes: Sound Blaster Pro Disk #1 INST-HD.EXE - Hard disk installation program README.COM - Program to display README.TXT file LHARC.EXE - De-compressing program TEST-SBP.EXE - Sound Blaster Pro test program PROGRAM.LZH - Compressed file containing: INST-DRV.EXE - Re-install drivers settings program SBP-MIX.EXE - Sound Blaster Pro mixer control SBP-SET.EXE - Sound Blaster Pro setting program SET-ENV.EXE - Set the BLASTER environment in AUTOEXEC.BAT WINDOWS.LZH - Sound Blaster Pro Windows programs MIDI.LZH - MIDI files PRO-ORG.LZH - Compressed file containing PRO-ORG and Organ files PLAYCD.LZH - Compressed file containing CD player PLAYCMF.LZH - Compressed file containing PLAYCMF and CMF files BATCH.LZH - Compressed file containing numerous Batch files LHARC.LZH - Compressed file containing LHARC document README.TXT - This file Sound Blaster Pro Disk #2 VOICE.LZH - Compressed file containing: VEDIT2.EXE - Voice Editor program JOINTVOC.EXE - Join voice file program VOC-HDR.EXE - Add header to raw voice file program VREC.EXE - Record voice into disk (command-line program) VPLAY.EXE - Play back voice from disk (command-line program) BBCNEWS.VOC - Voice file CONGA.VOC - Stereo voice file VOC2WAV.LZH - Compressed file containing: VOC2WAV.EXE - VOC to WAVE file converter VOC2WAV.TXT - VOC to WAVE file converter's document WAV2VOC.EXE - WAVE to VOC file converter DRIVER.LZH - Compressed file containing: CTVDSK.DRV - Loadable driver for voice Disk Double-Buffering SBFMDRV.COM - Resident driver for FM music BLASTER.DRV - Text-to-Speech driver CT-VOICE.DRV - Loadable driver for voice memory version ORGAN.DRV - Driver for PRO-ORG Sound Blaster Pro Disk #3 SBTALKER.LZH - Compressed file containing: SBAITSO2.EXE - Dr. SBAITSO program SBTALKER.EXE - Memory resident program to load the BLASTER.DRV SBTALK.BAT - Batch file to install SBTALKER into memory REMOVE.EXE - Program to remove SBTALKER from memory READ.EXE - ASCII Text reader program SBTEST.TXT - ASCII text file SET-ECHO.EXE - Program to set SBTALKER echo effect PARROT.LZH - Compressed file containing Parrot main program, voice and picture files Sound Blaster Pro Disk #4 MMPLAY.LZH - Compressed file containing MMPLAY main program, picture, music, voice files 3. BLASTER ENVIRONMENT Additional parameter is added to the BLASTER environment to indicate the card type. The new BLASTER environment will be as follow: SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 T2 where A refers to I/O address setting I refers to IRQ (Interrupt Request) setting D refers to DMA channel setting T refers to Card type 1 - Sound Blaster Card 2 - Sound Blaster Pro Card 4. SET SOUND BLASTER PRO VOLUME A batch file, SETVOL.BAT located on the \SBPRO directory is provided to set the volume level of the Sound Blaster Pro. Run this batch file to ensure that your Sound Blaster Pro volume is set to mid range. 5. PLAYCMF.EXE PLAYCMF.EXE is a FM music player program that plays ".CMF" music files. Before running PLAYCMF, you must first load Sound Blaster's FM Music Driver - SBFMDRV.COM. SBFMDRV is a memory resident driver that is found in the \SBPRO sub-directory. To install SBFMDRV, change directory to \SBPRO, type SBFMDRV and press Enter. Usage: PLAYCMF music-filename [/Q] [/S="command-line"] Where: "music-file" is the .CMF file to play /Q : set quiet screen mode /S : execute the DOS command-line specified. You may play music in the background and use the "/S=" parameter to "Shell" to execute another program. We enclosed some .CMF songs for you as samplers. Watch out for more .CMF songs, Sing-Alongs and other applications that are coming on the way. 6. Loadable Driver for Disk Double-Buffering, CTVDSK.DRV The driver for Disk Double-Buffering driver has been changed to loadable driver called CTVDSK.DRV. This driver is located at \SBPRO\DRV subdirectory. VEDIT2.EXE, VPLAY.EXE and VREC.EXE has been revised to accommodate this approach. 7. CONVERTING FILES BETWEEN .VOC AND .WAV FORMAT Two new programs are included in the Sound Blaster Pro package to manipulate voice files. These two programs ( VOC2WAV.EXE and WAV2VOC.EXE ) can be found in VEDIT2 subdirectory. Please read VOC2WAV.TXT for details. ( Note: LHARC.EXE is a File-Compression program copyrighted by Haruyasu Yoshizaki.) ********* End of README *********