How to Teach Your Dog to Get a Beer

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Ever been too lazy to get off the couch and get a beer? Teach your dog to do it and you'll never have to change.

[edit] Steps

  1. Tie a rope or a towel to the door of your fridge. If you have a tug toy that your dog likes, this would work as well.
  2. With your dog next to you, open the fridge and say "Get me a Beer you Lazy Mutt" or whatever command you have chosen for this command (preferably something nicer). Encourage your dog to pull on this towel until the fridge opens. Repeat this command until they only repeat this action on your command. Don't forget to give praise and a treat when they successfully open the fridge.
  3. Have your beer on the lowest shelf of the fridge so that your dog can reach it. Point to the beer can and encourage her to get it. If they don't understand then as you give the command pick up the beer and place it in mouth. Give your dog praise. Give the drop command so that she drops the can into your hand. Give praise and a treat. Repeat until your dog can pick up a beer can by only verbal commands.
  4. Now try this command when you're sitting on the couch, or in another room. Don't forget to praise.
  5. Enjoy your laziness.

[edit] Tips

  • You can also teach your dog to close the fridge after bringing you a beer. Try the "Close" command at first, then work it into the entire command after a while.
  • You can also use a similar technique to fetch a beer out of a cooler.

[edit] Warnings

  • Beer Is For Humans!
    Beer Is For Humans!
    Don't drink to much! This may result in injury or bad judgment!
  • NEVER drink and drive. Not only could you get fined, it could be fatal.
  • Don't let your dog drink the beer.

[edit] Things You'll Need

  • Well Trained Dog
  • Fridge
  • a small Towel or Rope

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Categories:Stub | Dog Tricks


Anonymous, Flickety, Katie R., Jared C., Stealthy72, Luv_sarah, Maluniu, Wyvernbait
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