Sacred Texts
The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King:
A Life of Buddha by Asvaghosha Bodhisattva,
translated from Sanskrit into Chinese by Dharmaraksha A.D. 420,
and From Chinese into English
by Samuel Beal
Sacred Books of the East Vol. 19
Title Page
Kiouen I
Varga 1. The Birth
Varga 2. Living in the Palace
Varga 3. Disgust at Sorrow
Varga 4. Putting Away Desire
Varga 5. Leaving the City
Kiouen II
Varga 6. The Return of Kandaka
Varga 7. Entering the Place (Wood) of Austerities
Varga 8. The General Grief of the Palace
Varga 9. The Mission to Seek the Prince
Kiouen III
Varga 10. Bimbasâra Râga Invites The Prince
Varga 11. The Reply To Bimbasâra Râga
Varga 12. Visit To Arâda Udrarâma
Varga 13. Defeats Mâra
Varga 14. O-Wei-San-Pou-Ti (Abhisambodhi)
Varga 15. Turning The Law-Wheel
Kiouen IV
Varga 16. Bimbisâra Râga Becomes A Disciple
Varga 17. The Great Disciple Becomes A Hermit
Varga 18. Conversion of the 'Supporter of the Orphans and Destitute'
Varga 19. Interview Between Father and Son
Varga 20. Receiving the Getavana Vihâra
Varga 21. Escaping the Drunken Elephant and Devadatta
Varga 22. The Lady Âmrâ (Âmrapâlî) Sees Buddha
Kiouen V
Varga 23. By Spiritual Power Fixing His (Term of) Years
Varga 24. The Differences of the Likkhavis
Varga 25. Parinirvâna
Varga 26. Mahâparinirvâna
Varga 27. Praising Nirvâna
Varga 28. Division of the Sarîras
Contents of Notes
I. Comparative List of 17 Chapters of the Sanskrit and Chinese Copies of the Buddhakarita
Note II. Example of the Style of the Expanded Sûtras, as Translated into Chinese
Note III. The Same Title Given to Different Works