Sacred Texts
Later Poems
by William Butler Yeats
This is Yeat's own anthology of his poetry, based on the 1922 edition,
which just meets the pre-1923 requirement for public domain books in the US.
This version includes some of his best known work,
including Easter, 1916
('A terrible beauty is born'), and
The Second Coming
('What rough beast slouches toward Bethlehem...to be born').
Simultaneously hypermodern and bardic,
Yeats' poetry speaks to the 21st century with authenticity and mystical clarity.
Title Page
The Wind Among the Reeds (1899)
The Hosting of the Sidhe
The Everlasting Voices
The Moods
The Lover Tells of the Rose in His Heart
The Host of the Air
The Fisherman
A Cradle Song
Into the Twilight
The Song of Wandering Aengus
The Song of the Old Mother
The Heart of the Woman
The Lover Mourns for the Loss of Love
He Mourns for the Change that has Come Upon Him and his Beloved and Longs End of the World
He Bids His Beloved be at Peace
He Reproves the Curlew
He Remembers Forgotten Beauty
A Poet To His Beloved
He Gives His Beloved Certain Rhymes
To His Heart, Bidding It Have No Fear
The Cap and Bells
The Valley of the Black Pig
The Lover Asks Forgiveness Because of His Many Moods
He Tells of a Valley Full of Lovers
He Tells of the Perfect Beauty
He Hears the Cry of the Sedge
He Thinks of Those Who Have Spoken Evil of His Beloved
The Blessed
The Secret Rose
Maid Quiet
The Travail of Passion
The Lover Pleads with His Friend for Old Friends
A Lover Speaks to the Hearers of his Songs in Coming Days
The Poet Pleads with the Elemental Powers
He Wishes His Beloved Were Dead
He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
He Thinks of his Past Greatness When a Part of the Constellations of Heaven
The Fiddler of Dooney
The Old Age of Queen Maeve (1903)
The Old Age of Queen Maeve
Baile and Aillinn (1903)
Baile and Aillinn
In the Seven Woods (1904)
In the Seven Woods
The Arrow
The Folly of Being Comforted
Old Memory
Never Give all the Heart
The Withering of the Boughs
Adam's Curse
Red Hanrahan's Song About Ireland
The Old Men Admiring Themselves in the Water
Under the Moon
The Ragged Wood
O Do Not Love Too Long
The Players Ask for a Blessing on the Psalteries and on Themselves
The Happy Townland
The Shadowy Waters (1906)
The Harp of Aengus
The Shadowy Waters
From the Green Helmet and Other Poems (1912)
His Dream
A Woman Homer Sung
The Consolation
No Second Troy
King and No King
Against Unworthy Praise
The Fascination of What's Difficult
A Drinking Song
The Coming of Wisdom with Time
On Hearing That the Students of Our New University Have Joined the Agitation Against Immoral Literature
To a Poet, Who Would Have Me Praise Certain Bad Poets, Imitators of His And Mine
The Mask
Upon a House Shaken by the Land Agitation
At the Abbey Theatre
These are the Clouds
At Galway Races
A Friend's Illness
All Things Can Tempt Me
The Young Man's Song
Responsibilities (1914)
The Grey Rock
The Two Kings
To a Wealthy Man Who Promised a Second Subscription to the Dublin Municipal Gallery if it Were Proved the People Wanted Pictures
September 1913
To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to Nothing
To a Shade
When Helen Lived
On Those That Hated ''The Playboy of the Western World,'' 1907
The Three Beggars
The Three Hermits
Beggar to Beggar Cried
Running to Paradise
The Hour Before Dawn
A Song from the Player Queen
The Realists
I. The Witch
II. The Peacock
The Mountain Tomb
I. To a Child Dancing in the Wind
II. Two Years Later
A Memory of Youth
Fallen Majesty
The Cold Heaven
That the Night Come
An Appointment
I. The Magi
II. The Dolls
A Coat
The Wild Swans at Coole (1919)
The Wild Swans at Coole
In Memory of Major Robert Gregory
An Irish Airman Foresees His Death
Men Improve with the Years
The Collar-Bone of a Hare
Under the Round Tower
Solomon to Sheba
The Living Beauty
A Song
To a Young Beauty
To a Young Girl
The Scholars
Tom O'Roughley
The Sad Shepherd
Lines Written in Dejection
The Dawn
On Woman
The Fisherman
The Hawk
Her Praise
The People
His Phoenix
A Thought from Propertius
Broken Dreams
A Deep-Sworn Vow
The Balloon of the Mind
To A Squirrel At Kyle-na-gno
On Being Asked for a War Poem
In Memory of Alfred Pollexfen
Upon a Dying Lady
Ego Dominus Tuus
A Prayer on Going into my House
The Phases of the Moon
The Cat and the Moon
The Saint and the Hunchback
Two Songs Of A Fool
Another Song of a Fool
The Double Vision of Michael Robartes
Michael Robartes and the Dancer (1921)
Michael Robartes and the Dancer
Solomon and the Witch
An Image from a Past Life
Under Saturn
Easter, 1916
Sixteen Dead Men
The Rose Tree
On a Political Prisoner
The Leaders of the Crowd
Towards Break of Day
Demon and Beast
The Second Coming
A Prayer For My Daughter
A Meditation in Time of War
To Be Carved on a Stone at Thoor Ballylee