The Gigaslave |
"Darkness beyond blackest pitch, deeper than the deepest night! Lord of darkness, Shining like gold upon the sea of chaos, i call upon thee, swear myself to thee! Let the fools who stand before us be destroyed by the power you and i possess! GIGASLAVE!!!!" |
The Dragonslave |
"Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the flow of time thats where your power grows, I pledge myself to darkness. Thoes who stand before us shall be Destroyed by the power you and i possess! DRAGONSLAVE!!!!" |
The ragna blade |
"Lord of the darkness and four worlds, I beseech thy fragments By all of the power thou possesseth, Grant the heavens' wrath to my hand Unleash the sword of dark, freezing nothingness By our power, Our combined might, Let us walk as one along the path of destruction!!!! RAGNA BLADE" |
Fireball |
"Oh source of all power, Light which burns beyond crimsion, Let thy power gather in my hand!!!! FIREBALL" |
Copyright Dean.D 2000 |