The site for lovers of Heinz 57 blood, hummus inner organs, and pea soup projectile demonic vomiting!
Hello all you gore-ateers out there. Welcome to my delectably scrumptous page dedicated to my favorite genre! The first horror movie I ever saw was Nightmare on Elm Street at a girlfriend's birthday party when I was in third grade (this was when it was first released on video). I now see horror flicks the day it comes out, my horror video collection exceeds well into the hundreds, I have seen every gorey flick Blockbuster OWNS, and I have a talking Freddy doll seated delectfully on my bed. And that is why I bring you this site.
Through this site, there is litterally hundreds of horror films listed in which I feel obligated to give my personal review. Just for the sake of hilarity, I've opted for a five skull system , where five skulls is the best rating and one skull is the worst.