
Updates 5-29(oh my goodness, it can't be!!):

Schizophrenia School Project-ok, so this has nothing to do with my site, but I did this for a school project. It's sloppy, I know, but I guess I lost my creative touch momentarily. Anyhoo, please check it out so my teacher doesn't kill me. Thanks!!

Fio Fanclub-Here is a late Christmas present to my dear friend Fio, made by myself and my fellow hick friend: Maddy. Happy Christmas Fio!! Send me an email if you want to join.

Summeries - page to summerize all the books Tamora Pierce has writen (and eventually others). Such include Song of the Lioness, Immortals, etc.

Picture of Me-a picture of me and the best cat in the world

Picture of Me and Bert-a great picture of me and my horse

Book Recomondations - some book recomondations that are must reads.

Story Page - a page that has different stories. There is one Alanna Fanfic(last updated 2-9), one story I wrote (let's just say it is in the perment works and won't be up for a while....), and just a group story that everybody can contribute to.

Links - A page of links (though not very many. E-mail me with yours if you wish it up. Also, tell me of your banner if you have one and I will post that too (if you have one).

Names - a page for names either that I have thought up of or from this cheezy astrology book. Cheezy it is, but it has good names for fantasy.

Message Board - Have fun. Go nuts

I am a proud member of the Steelsings Role Playing (that takes place in Tortall). Here is a link and a logo...

Give mighty thanks to:

for their graphics

It looks like that is it for the moment. Once again, PLEASE email me with comments, links, or anything. I love to get mail!!

Copywrite Stuff
Ok, you all know the deal. Don't take anything marked from this site (except the names to use in a story). But all other things (i.e. stories) belong to me: Mel. Ok?