Spawn Starjammers Scarlet Witch
Ray (res)
My current deck. It's not too shabby, IMHO.
Captain America Zealot Maverick
Typhoid Mary (res)
My fighting deck. I'm considering Deathbird in the reserve to replace Typhoid
Mary. Opinions?
Iceman Aquaman Absorbing Man Namor(res)
My Water Deck. This was created the day was basement started to flood. Ice is frozen water, Aquaman and Namor are both kings of the sea (or so they claim), and Absorbing man became so darned stupid when he absorbed himself into water.
Heroes for Hire Beast: The Brute Spawn Spider-Woman 3-stat (res)
A plain old deck. It's not too bad, I think. It has Super-ADs, and negates.