The Only Logs I Have Left Over From Basternae 1
Some Duris Logs
- A funny log of when gods accidently summoned eveyone.
- How hard is it for Borix to kill a level 9 squid? Log here
- How two low level squids can eat up a moron 11/23/99
- Watch a squid ruin a perfectly good exp trip. The log had a long run in it but i took it out. You can easily figure out where.
- Squids are so fucking stupid. Those twinky bastards along with the flee code (which boggles me) brought you this fun log. Watch how 3 spells is all it takes to kill a level 25, whereas an equal level warrior it would take several more rounds that that even with nice gear. Fuck Duris and fuck this log from 12/9/99
- Heres a kinda funny log of when i got my exp from my illithid moved over to a goodie. Its no biggie, but kinda fun. Heres the log
- 2/5/99 - Evil spanking Aftermath in lizardmen
Some cool logs from Kolut
- Jot - A log of a Jot trip, helpful if you don't know the zone.
- A log of Headless - again, a nice log of a zone if you don't know how to do it.
- A cool raid outside shady
- Another cool raid supplied by Kolut. - Watch the group kill as many goodies as evils :)
- "I Hit my target" - Kolut
Some Funny Logs
Capture the flag? Not in gaelis! Here's a log of the fun time that Kolg, Ckell and I had on 4/6/00.
ROFL! Watch the final straw in the log shown above!
Duris Logs From The 2001 Wipe
A new Log that me and Dizzal had at our guild hall. Never underestimate the predicability of stupidity.
Logs from 2000
These logs are from one wipe ago (as of 9/26/01). I will just use the file name and let the logs explain themselves.
fucked - anyone remember this?
kkzone - info for the maze and just how many spells i had active on me, its really dumb, but i was pretty happy about it :)
bloodlust - arti on a gobo? Fun fun fun.
Random Log Sites
Not even sure who's this is (I think its Olamdirs site)