This Page is dedicated to the memory of Jason Bilka who died in July 2000. Survived by his parents and brother Paul and by a whole bunch of friends who'll miss him.
I am looking for a message board where you can leave a few words or memories about Jay. If you've left a message before, don't worry, I've archived it and will place it again on the web.
TOTP - Tale of The Patriarch - A computer role-playing game that I was working on. He was very supportive and steered the design in positive directions with suggestions and support and comments. His character, Max Ilenus, eventually became The Patriarch in the title. My efforts are dedicated to him.
My Dedication to Jay inside my Tale of the Patriarch RPG
When we role-played together on Saturdays, Jay used to record most stuff into journals. We had two major parties going. In one(The Abandoned City of Ilvir) he played the Ilviran priest Max Harm(Ilenus) and the other(The Order of the White Hand) he played Max's brother, the ex-gladiator Gengus Harm(Ilenus).
He lent to me one of his journals(with Gengus) so I could turn it into a fiction story. I did a good chapter or two of it but moved onto other things. It's
here in DOC format for your reading.
I've skived off a list of Jay's Fave Links that he used on a regular basis.
Jay wasn't one for being photographed so I got some Photos of the Saturday Gang of Friends which are here for browsing plus added comments.
Jay's Page of Maps - and Quake3 and Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force conversions of his best levels. Just starting work on this.
Saturday Nights Together
Outside we hear the rain fall
Inside we're setting up
Leaving our long week behind us
We gather in friendship
Turn off the computer
It's time to start
Clean off the table
Jay's tea is hot
We layout the table
As Bijan and Wentworth chatter away
Our shared stories commence
As Beau and Jack clatter in late
Evening is done
Time to pack up
Say long good-byes
Jay starts to clean up
At the Memorial held on Aug 2, 2000 for friends and family
I had a chance to speak in remembrance of him. Here's an eulogy for our friend Jason
We gather to remember the life of Jay
For many of his close friends it was
the weekly Saturday get togethers
They seemed trivial then
but I recognize the valuable chance we had
to be together as friends
On the surface it didn't seem like much
Showing up
Sitting around
Sharing our enthusiams for computers and other interests
Usually putting the last week behind us
Those connections grew as we kept meeting
Very valuable connections
With Jay gone I've gained from those connections
those people gave me
much comfort
much insight and
much sharing of the burden of his loss
And as Jay was the leader in making those connections
we can take some small comfort from that as well
At that time these get-togethers seemed like small good things
But when you start to string them together
they made good friendships
and good friends
We've talked about how he looked to strangers
Kinda scary
One time he was guarding a BC Hydro payment office
They complained he was doing his job too well
He was scaring the tellers
I think he chose that look
It challenged you to look deeper
And when you look deeper
You DO BECOME deeper
And I think he wanted to meet only those type of people
Those who looked beyond appearances
He was also a guard at a Lower Mainland Juvenile centre
Those young fellas there
no matter how they looked
They knew he was simply what he was
They got along fine
And living a simple life is what he was good at
And was proud of it as well
When we arrived, we guests often shared in this
He found a source of inexpensive drink that we mockingly called
The Red Scary Juice or The Juice of Death
Around Christmas, he'd pass around Grandma's cookies to all and sundry
Many tales others could tell
But I remember the James Dean story the best
His friend Jack was moving in with him
And had to get his stuff from his old room-mate
Jack's room-mate though wasn't quite right in the head
Called himself James Dean and
NO ONE was going to take James Dean's stuff
After Jack argued with James Dean
And still wasn't allowed in
Jason's foot went up
BOOM the door went open
James Dean ran back screaming to his room
I remember what happened after that
Nothing really
He was a young fella and for some
that would have been an excuse
But for him more violence was not in him
Force without anger
Force without cruelty
Tough and gentle
For him it was not a cliche
He had no cruelty in him
In the future
I hope to host like he did
with forebearance
with tolerance
with extreme consideration
with a positive spirit
And maybe for the future we'll be able to make
our homes as good a place to visit as he did
Any Questions or comments?? Just e-mail me at my new e-mail address
zoomie _AT_ was my old e-mail address
Thanks for visiting and remembering