27/9/99 -Clans unite Update by: [HKGL]Zero_Dragon |
Yea, as you should know GL and HK should be uniting into one clan. It will be the most powerful clan int he entire part of asia probably with more than 20 some members. We will behaving a meeting on the 17th of October at 8:00pm on ICQ. PLease be there, i will send a chat to you all and we will discus these things. In other, DJ is not Raver, he has internet is back and i guess Raver has beem fucked by the police, i don't know. But i am just glad that mine or any of you computers were not vandalized and if you see anything like May the force fuck with you, that's Raver. Also i have downloaded a copy of Quake 3 Arena Test, it's very entertaining and the graphics are superior even for a demo. You should try it. |
12/9/99 -NEW SERVER?!?!?! Update by:[HK]Zero Dragon |
OK... So i called up DJ and i talk to him, he say his computer is fucked up and he can't do anything. But i am still not sure if he is lying or not. But I don't give and we will be all happy, or will we?? The site hasn't been updated in some time and Dark-Killer is getting really pissed off at me so here is the update. I feel like taking the downloads part of and making it Misc stuff. Also the strategy will be somewhat updated once i have the damn time to do it. I might even have some time at school, I hope. At least the school computers are 500mhz and are Gateways, there shouldn't be any technical problems asking the teacher if i could use FrontPage99 during break. The new server, its Bobo's. THe server will be run on the data server of At&t, it should and will be faster than Upstar since its 128k per second, or something like that. I will ask more at school. So once i have the ip address i will send it through ICQ. Oh yes, some of our members like Yello Duckie havn't been palying, if you don't or can't play please inform me. Also i wanna recruit as many ppl as possible, when you get someone to join contact me and test them. Test them by getting 5 kills and 2 death or something in 4 minutes. And the clan will go international, which means we except all members where ever u live and the name will now change though. SO STOP VOTING. oh yea we are excepting HALF-LIFE and COUNTERSTRIKE players. |
14/8/99 -Pick a map Update by:[HK]Badshot |
13/8/99 -New TFC server in Hong Kong Update by:[HK]Badshot |
10/8/99 -Lots of shit going on! Update by:[HK]Zero Dragon |
Yes... [HK]DJ has left for Canada and will likely not be able to play with us anymore. Maybe just get on the server and chat, but that is all. Unless he get a T1 cable or soemthing. I know it's sad espeically for me, i have known him for about 3 years. Anyway.... I want to team with ANC and battle SGL. Since ANC has few members like us, we should be able to team with them and battle the fool hardy SGL. We might be able to win this, since our clan has the members [Hk]Yellow_Duckie and [HK]Dark-Killer who specialize in flag capping. It's nice to have high score players in my clan. Also the sniping skills of me and the versitility of Nori-P (if ure name aint here don't think you are bad). And we will ANC at are sides. I will try to arrange this match somtime. In other news, you will have to download another annoying patch for Half-Life. It fixes the many bugs and adds some stuff. I am not really clear of what kind of stuff it has but you can go check at Planetfortress. |
96/8/99 -Hmm... I am gonna kill you Dnaiel Update by:[HK]Zero Dragon |
For those of us who want to know what the fuck has been going on, this is what happened. So far what I know and guess is that DJ is the person called RAver. He knows the geocities acount and password so he came in and rendered the page. I was hoping that he didn't mess ALL the html files but he DID, now its time for poor me to wrestle that self proclaimed hacker and fix the page. Next time you see DJ on, record the time he is on and tell me. THe hacker said to me that he fucked Dj's computer so he can't get on anytime soon. But if u you see DJ online, tell the me the time and day. So fuck you Daniel or fuck you Rava. | |
26/8/99 -Woo Hoo i have time to update! Update by:[HK]Zero Dragon |
Yes, i have finally made an effort to update!! For those of you who can't see badshot's font, i fixed it. And if you wanna backtrack some news, it's in the archives. Oh yea, I am gonna put the counter somewhere, i don't know yet but maybe at the bottome here. Actaully i will. For the last update about the email and all. I apologized for that person without mentioning names Dj... Well DJ retired, more like quit from the clan. He thinks he can make a better clan than me and rest of us. I can't do it without ya! OH yea, i would like this clan to go international. That means we must change our name!! I already thought of some but you may put more suggestions in the forum. OH and just to tell you, the links are on the pickachu!! CLICK PICKACHU FOR LINKS OK? In other, just now i was checking my email and i think DJ sent another fucking insult to SGL. I can't tell from the letter if it is truly him. But i will kill him if it is. Oh yea, i screwed ont he members section and i fixed that. Also badshot ain't gonne be here for about 2 weeks so bear with me. And for me, I have school now and have a less of a chance to play TFC. I will try to play on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. But now i can't play on Upstar until AT&T finishes upgrading the servers. SO i will usualy play on PAcific or Singnet |
20/8/99 -Respect others Update by:[HK]Badshot |
18/8/99 -New maps Update by:[HK]Badshot |
15/8/99 -New map is up Update by:[HK]Badshot |