Ravenwing Tactics Vol. 1

Part 1- Unit Composition
One of the biggest things about the ravenwing is that each unit has a very specific role. Bikes strike hard and fast against enemy troops. Attack Bikes swoop in and destroy tanks. Land Speeders pick off targets that would either take the bikers too long to reach or would be too dangerous to confront(I.E. Close Combat Troops like Khorne Berzerkers and Howling Banshees). Therefore it is very easy for an inexperienced opponent to totally disable your army by destroying one or two squads. Against Imperial Guard, it would be very easy for them to roast your attack bike squad and make it impossible for you to win a firefight. Against Tyranids they could just shoot down your landspeeders then rip you to shreds with their genestealers. Same goes with orks. This inherent property of very defined roles can be the road to defeat for a ravenwing army unless you prepare for it by " versatilizing" your units. First of all, all bike squads should have at least one weapon capable of destroying a tank( I.E. melta-gun or a plasma gun). If you have enough, it's nice to have attack bikes join each squad, but it's far more important that you have at least one attack bike on it's own to hunt down tanks. Due to their limited numbers you will have to be very careful on what you shoot at. A bike squad faced with a hoard of Ork Slugga Boyz aand a Dreadnought is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Therefore, it's always good to have that one attack bike hold itself back then go after whatever armored threat presents itself while the rest of your army can focus on what it's good at: mowing down troops like there was no tomorrow. If your opponent presents more than 1 armored threat, I'd recommend having 2 seperate attack bike squads. In most cases it's better to use the points you'd spend giving your bike squad an attack bike on an attack bike all it's own. in addition, always give your veteran sergeant a master crafted power sword. I will explain this later. Also , give your Master of the Ravenwing at least one landspeeder in his retinue, but other than that it's best to have your landspeeders fight seperate. 

Part 2 - Deployment
How you deployment can determine whether you win or lose. If you deploy right, you have a better chance of winning. If you
deploy wrong, you are guaranteed to lose. There is NO WAY TO WIN with a bad deployment. Unlike a normal Space Marine
army that can hammer down the enemy even with a thoughtless deployment, deploying ravenwing is like trying to stack
champagne glasses in a nice neat pyramid. It's like a fine art. If you deploy poorly with ravenwing, you'll get vaped within 2 turns by the enemy's heavy weapon squads ( I learned this the hard way from a squad of chaos havocs destroying an bike squad on the first turn because I deployed bad). First of all, you have to learn to utilize every inch cover you can get. By deploying out in the open you open yourself to the enemy's heavy weapons.  Since you don't have the numbers that other armies have, one volley from a squad of devastators/havocs/zoanthropes/dark reapers/ snipers can totally destroy a squad bikes.  Therefore, it is best to deploy your bikes behind a hill or building to keep them out of line of sight from the enemy. When playing a cleanse, you"ll want to have one bike squad ready to head to each of the corners not belonging to your enemy.  Since they will slowly spread out their forces and their faster ( more expensive ) units will reach these quarters first,  you should be able to destroy some of their more point-intensive units easliy. It's not hard at all to pick off a squad that tries to venture out of their starting quarter. Also, try to keep your landspeeders ( especially the MOTR) out of line of sight. Since you move so fast , it is no problem to bring yourself out of hiding and into position on your turn. Every time you play you have to assume that the enemy is going to go first. Because if you deploy like you are going first, and then the enemy goes first , you will lose very swiftly. I prefer not to rely on a fickle 50/50 chance.