Units. Terran, Zerg and Protoss
Name: Terran Guncraft
Function: Provide mobile heavy artillery
Back Round: Realizing that the siege Tank was a great asset, but do to it's slow firing rate it had to stop and transform. Terran scientist made it possible to fire a hi power laser, with a faster firing rate that cause considerable damage. But were it has fire power, it lacks speed and armor.
Name: Terran Laser Frigate
Function: Provide a fast assault craft.
Back Round: The wraith was fun and games,, but it didn't provide the speed that terran pilots demanded. So Terran scientist created a fighter that has speed with a great laser power. A after burner button was installed for even greater, but it has a limited use, do to all the energy it uses.
Name: Protoss X'nal
Function: A frontal assault fighter, that provides excellent ground and air cover
Note : Created by Rwaggie... THANKS AGAIN!!
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