I got that BHS Documentary done, but it was a piece of shit no matter how much praise they gave me. They told me to make a documentary on theschool, so I did. They gave me no direction, they didn't tell me how they wanted it done, but I'm sure if I did it the way I really wanted to do it, they would have kicked me out of the school or something. So I just got a bunch of shots of the school, interviewed several people for an hour or so each, and ended up with some 12 minute promotional video, reading off the school's bullshit objectives. Excuse me for talking shit about the school that granted me graduation and a scholarship to UAA, but I'll admit that I used the school for an easy way out, just as atleast half of the kids did, and perhaps more now. The worst part about it is that they know that these kids are using the school for an easy way out, and they let them in so that they can get funding and eventually be declared a public school that actually gets a budget rather than having to write grants. Not something I particularly think about alot, but it's just another example about how corrupt even the less corrupt things in this world are, and how easy it is to take an uncorrupt thing and turn it into pure corruption. There is a conspiracy theory that oddly enough TWO of my friends who don't hang out together, don't really like eachother, and only know eachother because of mutual friends describedto me exactly the same way. The theory goes like this: George Bush Sr put Saddam Hussein into power. This is a known "fact". America trained Alkaida under CIA resources. This is also a known "fact". One of the two kids who shot up columbine wrote about hijacking airplanes and crashing them into the world trade center. This is a known "fact" as well. Heres the theory of it: George Bush had these alkaida trained and husein put into power so that George W Bush could indirectly set up the world trade center inscident of 9/11/01, blame it on Hussein, and turn George WBush into a hero. I don't know where the columbine kids fit in, but it was just an interesting bit of info. Heres my spin: Not only does this make George W Bush a hero, but it sets up America as an even more powerful Figure of Control that will eventually lead to America creating a one world order. And of course somehow Tony Blaire, Prime Minister of the UK, obviously involved as well. Perhaps thejoinging of the US and the UK will mark the beginning of a new world order. a single worldorderisa very bad thing. That is why I must develope high technology to allow us to get the frill out of this dren..... anyhoo that's just a conspiracy theory. The truth of it all is that nobody knows anything. Even the shit that goes over the news can't be taken as fact. We're not there. For all we know the truth is something completely out of our grasp. ... But just keep in mind, if I die soon after this e-mail is sent (probably car accident, since that's the most likely way for me to die on accident) it will only confirm that my conspiracies are true. .... but I doubt they'd bother with me. No one would believe me anyway.