Female Columnist/psychology minor. Total Sceptic. Has an explaination for everything. (Martha Brockenbrough is the base of character http://encarta.msn.com/author_askmartha/Martha_Talks_Back.html). She writes an article for a large corporation who happens to own an encyclopedia.... anyway she's a snoodytoody knowitall bitch who responds to people's questions in a column. Someone writes to her about an experience they had when they hallucinated a gorilla smashing things once (perhaps Reg's friend) and thought it was real. Maybe the question is about Gorilla's living in dark alleys in the city or something. She tells him off and says that it's not possible and that he's taken too many drugs or something. later i nthe story, she runs into the gorilla and it terrorises her. This symbolises that nothing is ever what it seems, and just because the fact books say so (like say a well known encyclopedia like encarta) doesn't mean that they're right. This symbolises this mad world where theres no point to anything and nothing has true meaning because meaning is merely a human concept which is exercised all too often.