There are many questions that people will have when thinking about
submitting their work to the X-Day competition.
How and when can I submit my work to the X-Day competition?
This year's X-Day Submissions will be accepted from 12:01am EST August 16th until 12:01am EST September 16th. That is one month of submissions time. No submissions will be accepted after September 16th.
How will the winners be determined?
The method of determining the winners has changed from recent years. This years votes will only be accepted when validated by an email address. These votes will determine the top five competitors in each category. From those top five competitors, a group of 6-12 judges will determine the top three competitors in every category. This change in the voting structure is intended to discourage people from enthusiastically submitting too many votes. If you are interested in learning about the judges, please visit the judges page. If you want to enter your X-Related Art, Fiction or Website in the 1999 X-Day Competition, you need to read the following Rules and then submit your work.
How, when and where will I vote?
You may vote by using the voting form located on this website. You will be allowed to submit your votes from September 17th (12:01am EST) until September 23rd (12:01am EST). No votes will be acccepted before or after this time frame unless prior approval is obtained from the X-Day manager. You cannot vote unless you submit your email address along with your vote. (Note : Please do not go out and round up hotmail or rocketmail or yahoo or geocities email accounts so that you can vote more for your site. It will eventually be found out, and youi will be disqualified from the competition.
Will there be prizes awarded to the winners?
As of this time (August 10th) NO prizes will be awarded to the winners of the 1999 X-Day competition. Why? Because no prize donations have been offered, and because last year's offers did not materialize into real prizes. (Only one individual actually followed through on his promise to send in a prize). Additionally, the X-Day manager is broke and does nto want to face legal issues right before she graduates from college. The lack of prizes is also in keeping with the idea that the X-Day competition is more of a celebration. The
X-Day winners will receive recognition on the WWW, free advertising as it were.
Please Note : This policy is NOT set in stone. If enough prizes are donated, and someone can be located who will have the time and energy to distribute the prizes after the competition is complete, then there will be prizes awarded in each category. If you would like to donate prizes, help manage the prize donations, or would like to offer your services as prizemaster, please email the X-Day Manager.
What are the rules of competition?
- All Work must be YOUR OWN WORK! Any work that is not yours (for example an image that a friend created for your website) must be appropriately credited. Plagiarism is not acceptable.
- Adult Language and Events in fanfiction and/or poetry submissions must come with a warning - Please notify me so that it can be labeled accordingly. Failure to do so may result in your being removed from the competition.
- Adult Images in fanart or on websites may be enough to disqualify you from X-Day competition. If you have a question about what is and is not acceptable (or what might not be allowed) email the X-Day Manager. Manager and Judges reserve the right to make these judgements.
- The Manager and Judges may add a category to accomodate a large number of a certain type of submissions. (FAQ Sites for example). If your entry is going to be re-categorized, you will be notified by email. No categories will be removed from competition unless there are no competitors in that category. No categories will be added after September 9th, 1999.
- Fanfiction and poetry submissions that come without HTML coding will be marginally coded to make them easier to read.
- Website submissions must have a link back to the X-Day site, and should display the X-Day logo seen below. This link must be posted to the website before the site is linked by the X-Day manager (within 24hours of submission) and preferably should be near the main entrance of your site, though having it on a links page would also be acceptable.
- Website sumbissions, being dynamic in nature and constantly evolving (well - if they arent constantly evolving, they dont win awards) are not subject to "one time entry" rules. In other words - if you entered a site last year, you can enter the same site again this year. FanFic and FanArt can be entered multiple times only if it did not win an award the previous year. (This is because once they are done, they usually dont change.) If
you have a problem with this you must email
- Votes will be cast by the Internet Public to determine the top five competitors in each category. Final judgements will be made by a group of 6-12 unbiased (non-competitive, non-profit) judges who may or may not be members of the Internet X-Community. The votes for each category will be counted and examined on an ISP by ISP basis, and cross checked using email addresses. Double votes will be discounted by the judges. All decisions made by the judges are final. Awards will be disbursed to the winners no later than January 31, 2000. (Assuming that Y2K doesnt screw everything all up...)
- Special rules for each category are as follows...
- Fan Art :
The Fan Art file will be sent to the X-Day manager via email. The files will be maintained by the X-Day Manager on the X-Day site.
- Fan Websites :
The Fan Site address will be sent to the X-Day manager via email. The links will be maintained by the X-Day Manager on the X-Day site.
- Fan Fiction :
Due to the general length of Fan Fiction submissions, and the fact that few voters take the time to read the Fan-Fiction submissions, FanFic submissions must take the following form :
A one to four paragraph teaser/summary/preview will be submitted to the
X-Day Manager via email. This one page short story will be posted on the
X-Day site, and should be written/edited with the intention of garnering
interest in the entire fan-fiction. The voters will be able to read the
preview and decide whether they want to finish the fan fiction or if they
want to go on to another fan work. Links from the preview to the actual
complete work will be maintained by the X-Day Manager, and will be clearly
visible. In this manner, each voter can determine the quality and content
of the fan fiction, without overburdening him/herself by reading in toto
each fan-fiction submission. Problems with this (your FanFiction is just barely
over the length limit etc) should be communicated to the X-Day Manager, so that
we can work together to resolve it.
How do I contact the X-Day Manger/Judges?
Any problems with the
submission form or questions about the competition itself can be directed
to the X-Day Judges or the X-Day Manager at or