- Juggernaut: Madripoor Daze by Eric Moreels
- Waiting For Jeannie by dannell Lites : Witness a couple that never was ... in the official MU! An impatient Logan waits for Jean Grey to make a very important decision.
- Sunshine And Violets by Dannell Lites : Marvel's X-Titles never got around to telling us
what happened to Magneto's relationship with Lee Forester. So I wrote the story myself :) :) **SL**
- Paige in New Costume by Dark Claw : This is the pic I drew for an article in the Academy, where we redesigned the GenXers' costumes. Paige's costume is heavily influenced by the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion, although I never intended for that to happen.
- Group Shot by Dark Claw
- Paige in Mourning by Dark Claw : Paige is mourning over Blink's grave. I redrew this page literally about 20-30 times, and this was what I finally came up with. Still some problems with it, but I'm getting there...
- Night on the Town by Bobbi Todd **SL**
- WW2: Duel by Samara
- WW2: Wolverine on Recon by Samara
- Weapon X Banner by Samara