Welcome, My Son! Welcome to the revised version of "Delta
Quadrant Data Base." Here, you will find the latest up-to-date
information on a lot of the aliens of "Star Trek: Voyager." There
is general biological information, tactical information, and cultural information along with galleries. Enjoy!
Species: Hirogen
Homeworld: Unknown
First Contact: 2374.
Cultural Information: The Hirogen are a nomadic race even
though they are considered space faring. They live deeply by
codes of superiority among other races, and the desire to hunt
them all down. The Hirogen's history is unknown. A homeworld
or a point of origin was never discovered. There is a presense
of male domination among the male population of the species.
Biological Information: Very little observations of the Hirogen
have been taken on a biological level. They are a highly
evolved species compared to any of the Delta Quadrant. Their
immune systems are very strong against foreign invaders.
Somehow, they are able to wistand very hostile conditions such as the vacumes of space, but this is most likely due to
the armor they wear over most of their bodies. The life span
of a Hirogen is unknown. Both male and female Hirogen grow
to about 11.5 feet in height (Projected Maximum).
Tactical Information: The Hirogen do not operate as a military
structure, but most of their vessels travel alone or in small groups. Hand-to-hand combat is not recommended with a
Hirogen. From further observations, most Hirogen vessels
can reach a speed of Warp 8.7. Their hulls are reinforced
with a monotanium armor plating similar to neutronium.
Warp To Hirogen Visual Profile!!!
Species: Krenim
Homeworld: Krenos
First Contact: 2374-2375 (Temporal Disturbences Reported
During All Encounters)
Cultural Information: Not much is known about the Krenim as
a people beyond the military lines. They are a peaceful race,
but are known to be confrontational in the extremes.
Biological Information: Krenim biology is not too complex
compared to human anatomy. Their evolution confirms this
observation. Their life-span is close to an average human lifetime, along with height, weight, and desired living conditions,
and environments. Males and females hold an equal role within
the family structure.
Tactical Information: Conflicting reports remain after the last
encounter with a Federation vessel, and the Krenim. The Krenim operate as an imperium, and occupy a disputed region
of space. Their territorial boundaries are unknown as they
continue to fluxuate. A large vessel that could alter the flow of
time was destroyed in 2374 after erasing vessels, and worlds
from existance. In some instances, the vessel would accidentally alter Krenom history. One moment, the Krenim would control an area equivalent to the entire size of the
United Federation of Planets. The next moment, they would
control a few worlds, and have a few dozen ships operating
on a primitive level. After the destruction of the time ship, the
Krenim Imperium was restored to power.
Most Krenim weapons are based on temporal science. Primary
battle systems include of Cronoton Torpedos. Most of their
vessels can reach Warp 9 as well.
Species: Macro Virus
Homeworld: None
First Contact: 2373
Cultural Information: The origin of the Macro Virus is unknown.
The U.S.S. Voyager responded to a distress call on a mining
colony after receiving reports of a 'minor' viral contamination.
The Holographic Doctor accidentally brought some back up
to the Voyager and they began to migrate, infecting everyone
aboard. They were irradiated a few days later.
Biological Information: Their physiology is similar to most known
forms of viruses. Except the Macro Viruses exsist on a larger
scale, appearing millions of times larger than what they are
normally suppose to. The needle-like projection is used similarly
to infect a cell with its DNA, but the larger viruses completely incompacitate their victims instead. Systems did not
appear to be fatal.
Tactical Information: Do have the ability to move through
solid bulkheads, and are attracted to heat and infer-red sources (body heat). They can be destroyed by phaser fire.
Species: Unknown AKA Swarm Aliens
Homeworld: Unknown
First Contact: 2373
Cultural Information: This race is unknown to most of the
Delta Quadrant. They have been reffered to as "The Swarm
Aliens" by most cultures because of how their military operates.
Tactical Information: This race occupies a region of space
consisting of hundreds of sectors, along with tens of thousands
vessels operating in swarm-type formations. Their ships do
pocess the ability to reflect enemy fire power to its point of
origin causing damage to the firing vessel. They do not appear
to carry any weapons of any kind, but they do attack to the
hulls of other vessels and drains the energy support systems.
Recommendations have been made to bring all attempts of
communication to a hault.
Species: Borg
Homeowlrd: Uknown
First Contact: Unknown (Conflicting Information). First encounters have been noted when the Borg assimilated an
Earth probe called "Voyager IV." Other early encounters were
with the U.S.S. Raven NAR-1524, and the U.S.S. Enterprise
NCC-1701-D (Galaxy Class).
Cultural Information: The Borg's general history has been fragmented by Unimatrix 001, making the origins of the Borg
lost for possibly all time. It was recently discovered that the Borg do orignate from the Delta Quadrant. The Borg operate
as an interconnected collective mind. A strong desire to
assimilate other worlds is a priority of all Borg.
Biological Information: The Borg are considered a cybornetic
organism consisting of millions of species from worlds all over
the Milky Way Galaxy. All Borg have gone through extensive
DNA manipulation and biological modifications. Most drones
receive upgrades with each new assimilated species.
Tactical Information: The Borg Collective occupies almost
a projected 64% of the Delta Quadrant along with thousands
of star systems. Recently, the Borg went through a large scale
war with a species from another Galaxy (which the Borg initiated). It is unclear if the Borg have been able to repair the
condition of their military forces. Borg vessels have transwarp
capability and are armed with Plasma Torpedoes, and high
yeild tractor pulses. Eighty-six vessels were lost in their last confrontation with the United Federation of Planets including
the Borg ship sent to Earth.
Warp To Borg Visual Profile!!!
Species: Unknown/Borg Designation Species 8472
Homeworld: Unknown
First Contact: 2373. The U.S.S. Voyager encountered the
species, but the Borg Collective was the first to encounter them.
General Information: Species 8472 was granted to this species
as a Borg designation. Several encounters have revealed
have revealed very little to Federation reports, along with those
of the Borg Collective. They originate from another galaxy, but
evidence of a homeworld is unlikely. They initiate war with the
Borg Collective shortly after they intruded on the realm of Species 8472. They became intent on destroying the entire
Milky Way Galaxy.
Biological Information: Species 8472 has been described as
being at the apex (highest point) of biological evolution before
going onto the next stage of existence. They are very different
compared to any other species on record. They have no vocal
cords, and have telepathic capabilities. They do not requite
sleep. Most of their internal organs are commonly exposed
such as the heart, and bones, and joints. They have a hind leg
similar to that of the horse on Earth. They do not require oxygen or gravity to sustain them. Their immune system is
very powerful and will destroy any microscopic invader, or
will reject any form of treatment.
Tactical Information: Species 8472 is extremely dangerous.
Currently, this species represents an extreme threat to Earth
as they attempted an invasion of the planet in late 2375. Their
threat still remains paramount as they will attempt another invasion of the Galaxy.
Warp To Species 8472 Visual Profile!!!
Species: Ocampa
Homeworld: Ocampus
First Contact: 2371
Cultural Information: The Ocampa are a peaceful race. In fact
one of the rarities of the Delta Quadrant. They were once
considered an advanced race, but it is doubtful they ever reached beyond a pre-warp state of evolution. Their homeworld was destroyed by the Nascian race shortly after
they began tests on the planet's atmosphere. They had not
known their technology would be destructive to their atmosphere, and the inhabitants were forced to retreat into
subtarrainian caverns underground.
Biological Information: The biology of the Ocampa is quite
unusual for a species at their current stage of evolution. Over
time due to the confinement to the underground, most of the
Ocampan telepathic/telekenetic abilities have become useless,and supressed. It has been observed in 2374 that the Ocampa do posess an ability to form at a higher stage of
existance. It is unknown if this is an isolated incident or a
natural stage of their evolution.
Tactical Information: Not recorded as a hostile species. However, a small colony of Ocampans were found aboard
a Nascian outpost in the Delta Quadrant, that had a hidden
intent against a Federation vessel, and was also protecting
a female Nascian.
Species: Unknown
Homeworld: Unknown
First Contact: Unknown (2374)
Cultural Information: Not much information was gained in
previous encounter. Most of their race base their lives in the
study and pursuit of science and medical technology. They
are a highly advanced species.
Biological Information: No information has been recorded.
Tactical Information: Posesses a highly developed cloaking
technology, which can be used by individuals. Also posess
DNA manipulation technology, and other medical equipment.
Species: Unknown
Homeworld: Unknown
First Contact: 2373
Cultural Information: Unknown. This is a complex animal life-form that exists on a planet currently in a pliestine state of
evolution. Only one of the creatures were ever seen. Violent,
man-eating behavior has been noted.
Biological Information: Resembles a more prehistoric lifeform
from Earth's period of the dinosaurs. This animal moves more
like a snake. It has no apparent legs or limps, but uses its
skin, and two horns to crawl, and move. It ranges from twelve
to twenty feet in length, and about seven feet in height. Its
feeding habits are established as man eating, or consumes
other organisms at least four times a day. Sleeping duration is
unknown, but it dwells in dark caverns beneath the planet's
surface. Reproduction process is also unknown, also it is
virtually impossible to determine which is male or female.
Tactical Information: Preditory instincts are high, but its resistance to energy weapons has not been determined.
Species: Kazon
Homeworld: Unknown
First Contact: 2371
Cultural Information: The Kazon are classified as a warrior race
in previous encounters. They live by a code of honor similar
to the citizens of Klingon Empire. They originate from a world
where another species evolved, the Trabe Soverty. The Kazon
where treated as slaves in their own world for many years, but
rebelled circa 2320. At present, the Kazon no longer dwell
on their world, but live in scattered, military factions throughout
the Delta Quadrant. The number of territorial concessions, and
military factions continues to expand everyday.
Biological Information: As tough as the Kazon may appear, they
are frequently commented to have under evolved physically,
and mentally. They had a limited medical knowledge, and
technical expertise.
Tactical Information: All vessels, and equipment designs are
of Trabe origin. All vessels are armed with plasma torpedoes
along with high yield disruptors. Maximum speed are observed
at Warp Eight Point Nine. They have no transporter technology. Medical technology is almost obsolete. Hand
weapons are modified for only a kill setting.
Species: Nascian
Homeworld: Unknown
First Contact: 2371
Cultural Information: Not much information was collected on
the Nascian society. They originate from another galaxy, but
made their first journey into the Mily Way Galaxy an estimated
five hundred centuries ago. A group of explorers were running
experiments on the Ocampan Homeworld, but were unaware
that their experiments would destroy their entire ecosystem.
Since then, two beings known as "Caretakers" were left behind to watch over the Ocampa. One went on to explore the
rest of the galaxy. The other died. It is unknown of the status
of the other Nascian alien which was found in 2372. They are
not listed as a hostile race.
Biological Information: Shapeshifting abilities have been
recorded on numerous ocassions! In their natural state, they
appear as transparent forms (blobs, if you will). It is unknown
if they are resistant to energy weapons or energy fields. But
when they die or expire, they revert to a mineral in the form of
a stone or rock. Lifespans are unknown.
Tactical Information: Unknown. Possesses highly developed
telepathic, and telekenetic abilities.
Species: Devore
Homeworld: Devorus Prime
Cultural Information: The Devore control a vast Imperium that
stretches across eight thousand light years. A known hostile
race to the rest of the species in all surrounding or conquered
sectors throughout the region. Fearful or telepaths, they do
not allow outsiders to enter their territory. If they find telepaths
aboard, concealed or not, they will charge the crew, and impound the vessel, and sentence all passengers and crew to
penal colonies. They are also a highly technologically advanced species.
Biological Information: Highly agressive, hostile. Exist in standard M-Class environments, no telepathic abilities recorded. Lifespan is similar to a humans. Dense musculature.
Tactical Information: Highly developed starship technology and
design. Most of their vessels are classified combat oriented
vessels. They are capable of achieving a speed of warp nine
point nine. Advanced plasma weapons have been recorded
alone with Sub-Space Refractor Shielding Technology beyond
Federation's standard shielding. Hand weapons have also been recorded to have the same plasma based energy as their
vessels do.
Species: Ketati
Homeworld: Unknown (Borg Collective Stronghold At Present)
First Contact: 2373
Cultural Information: Reletively a peaceful race. Homeworld
was conquered by the Borg Collective in 2372. Aprroximately
twenty-seven vessels with a few thousand survivors made it
out of the region. Technology, and methods of self-sustainment
were completely lost. Hostilities were encountered whenever
they attempted to settle upon a new world.
Biological Information: Unknown
Tactical Information: Technology is dependent on Duterium
First Contact was initiated with this alien race in early 2375 by the Malon Soverty. They exist in a region of space that is void of all light, stars, planets, and gravity. They have been evolving in the same area for millions of years undisturbed until the Malon Dumping Export found a vortex that
led to that isolated region. They began dumping Theta Radiation
killing millions. Voyager encountered both the Malon and these
aliens around the same time.
Further biological data suggests many unusual features. They
are extremely photo-sensitive, making them vulnerable to light.
They are covered by unusual scales, and do not wear clothing.
Their vessels appear to be of organic design. A homeworld
is improbible, since there are no planets are stars within
a radius of 2,500 light years.
Species: Unknown
Homeworld: Unknown
The alien species was first encounted in 2375 by the U.S.S.
Voyager. Not much information was collected, but encounters
suggests that they are not a hostile race. Their ships are
extremely advanced in subspace technologies.
Further biological data was inconclusive. Their physical features would suggest a hostile race, but that is not appearant at present. They do seem to have a strong instinct
for survival, and can be driven to kill if it is necessary.
Species: Unknown
Homeworld: Unknown
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