Welcome to the "Star Trek: Voyager" Episode Review Data Base.
Each week, this page will be updated for every episode of "Srar
Trek: Voyager," rerun or not. I, the Webmaster will also rank
the episode, and give my opinions on the episode as well. There
will be no central archives of previous episodes, okay?
This is how the ranking system works:
Captain: Best (*Please note that there is no such episode of
"Star Trek: Voyager" that meets this ranking. Not in the last
four years, anyway)
Lieutenant Commander
Civilian: Worst
Episode: Life Line
"The Haunting Of Deck Twelve" aired on 5.17.00.
This was just another episode involving Neelix and those
Borg Kids rescued some months back.
Before 'regeneration time,' Neelix told the group a so called,
scary story of an alien monster that had been infiltrating the
Voyager for years. Over time, the alien began to manifest itself
in the form of the computer, shut down environmental controls,
and forced the crew to abandon ship. After excessive nagging
by Captain Janeway, the alien left.
Opinion: Terrible Episode.
Posted On: 5.19.00
Rank: Civilian
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Something Smells!!!
"Star Trek: Voyager" Episode "The Haunting of Deck Twelve," Is ©Paramount Pictutes.
I Still Smell Something!!!