About Dreamtoucher
Western Astrology: Sun sign - Pisces, Moon sign - Aquarius
Chinese Astrology: Year of the Rat, Element of Water
Totems: Wolf, Cougar, Fox
Education: BA in Anthropology, TESL certificate
I am 28 and I have been a solitary ecclectic Pagan for 11 years. I consider myself to be a Wiccan Witch. My current interests include World mythology, World astrology, shamanism, the Kaballah, chakras, spiritual artwork (especially Susan Seddon Boulet) colour healing, magick and researching the portrayl of witches in the media. Later, I will be adding sections that relate to the above interests. Please take the time to answer my site content poll. If you want to submit anything to be posted on my website, please email me at willowgreen@hotmail.com ...
Why Dreamtoucher?
I chose Dreamtoucher as a name for various reasons. The first being, my normally used aliases were already taken. So, I was faced with a situation where I had to discard my old identities, and manifest in a new incarnation. I chose Dreamtoucher for an ability that I have just admitted to myself that I have. When I dream I sometimes can visit other people in their waking life and see through their eyes. I feel what their bodies feel, and I see what they see. I once described my friend's room in a house in detail, including the placement of the furniture, the peach coloured mini blind (he hated peach) and even the fact that there was an Embassy behind the house, without ever being there physically. I had visited him in a dream, and merely described over the phone, what I had seen. Only the Gods know why I can do this, or why. So, that is why I chose Dreamtoucher. What do you think?
Dreams are paths to another world...