Title - Anyone Else Author - Marianne Dubitsky (Agent Dubie) E-Mail address - dubie910@hotmail.com (You have the info, please use it!) Rating - PG Category - Story, MSR, al little Angst thrown in for good measure Spoilers - FTF all the way baby! Keywords - MSR (As if I write anything else!) Summary - Mulder goes country to tell Scully how he feels. Notes - Major song fic. Collin Ray's "Anyone Else" Disclaimer - Mulder and Scully are the exclusive property of Chris Carter, 1013 Productions, and Fox TV (the dirty bastards). I just borrowed them, calm down my story ain't good anyway! The song "Anyone Else" is owned by Collin Raye and all the people involved with it and Sony music. See, i give credit where credit is due. It's a bomb ass song anyway! So here y'all go... (wait let me get my cowboy hat) ok, go! Yeeeehaaaw! (lol) *********************** Anyone Else by Marianne Dubitsky *********************** "God I hate country," Mulder muttered to himself as he drove back to the motel. The only radio stations that would come in on the dark and lonely road were country stations. He was hot, irritated and stuck in butt-freaking-nowhere, Texas. His excursion to find a one Mr. Carl Dean had been a total waste of time. The man knew nothing substantial about their latest case. Just another crack-pot for the pile. Mulder loosened his tie a little more and unbuttoned the top two buttons. The sticky night air blew threw the open windows, giving temporary relief from the August heat. The air conditioning in their rent-a-car had given up early on the way back to the motel. His first thought was that Scully has cursed him for ditching her at the motel to do paperwork while he gallivanted off to conduct a few interviews. The truth was that there wasn't shit in Texas. They had come looking for remnants of the fields of corn they had encountered a year ago. Thus far they had come up empty and the syndicate had completely covered it's tracks as usual. No corn, no bees and no big ass space ships. Just miles and miles of nothing in both directions. The night drive reminded him very much of the events of last year. He sighed at the thought of almost losing her. He tried to pull his mind away, but his thoughts kept coming back to her. How she willingly followed him to every corner of the world. How she trusted him, even with her doubts. How she risked her life for his crusade. Anyone else would have quit long ago. No one else would have stayed with him for six years. Especially with everything he put her through. Diana couldn't do it. That's why she left. He drove her crazy with his quest. She didn't share his passion. She didn't want to be his other half. She didn't love him the way he loved her. Was that what it was all about, he wondered. Was it all for love? Why did Scully stick with him? Was it because she loved him or was it because he loved her so much, he wouldn't let her go? After all, she tried to leave. She tried to quit, but he wouldn't let her. He stopped her. Maybe it was him and not her. But then again, she wasn't necessarily going to leave him. She was quitting so she wouldn't have to leave. Was it because she didn't want to have to start over or didn't want to give up what she had. And what does she have, he asked himself. A self centered partner obsessed with an unreachable feat, to know the truth. A man how risks her life for her, then feels bad about it until right before the next time. A friend who loves her, but won't let himself get hurt again, so he keeps it all in. A person who owes her everything and she owes him nothing. Anyone else would have left. So why does she stay? "Welcome back to 96.7 Cow Country on this hot August night," the radio guy said as the station came back from commercials. "Here's a little treat for all those Collin Raye fans out there. Remember he'll be at the Starplex Amphitheater in Dallas on Friday, so try to catch that show if you can. Right now it's Collin Raye with his latest, 'Anyone Else'." Mulder's attention was caught as the deejay announced the title of the song, but the words forced him to turn up the volume. Soon he knew exactly what this song applied to. "Baby I bought wine and roses on my way home Yeah I know we can't afford it but life doesn't last too long This world has gone half-crazy And knocked us both to our knees I'm fumbling for the words to try to tell ya I love you for hangin' onto me When anyone else would've been long gone Packed it up and headed back home And not a soul would blame you after what I put you through Yeah anyone else would've gone insane Called the game on a count of rain Anyone else, anyone else Anyone but you" As the song continued in the same fashion, the answer became clear for Mulder. He was making her stay. Actually, that really wasn't it either. She was staying because of him. Even with every bit of pain he had caused her, she had never left his side. Of course, there had been disagreements, fights, and heart ache, but that's a requirement for any relationship, right? Oh god, he thought, I just called it a relationship. But he realized that it was much more than a working relationship or a friendship. It was a marriage. Well, a marriage without the physical aspects. It was a gentle, caring, loving relationship filled with denial and regret. The bottom line was that he was madly in love with her and she had to love him just a little to still be with him. But he needed to hear it from her. The song ended and the deejay excitedly broke into the playlist, "Guess what folks. Collin Raye is performing an exclusive small club gig Thursday night and I've just been handed twenty tickets, so screw giving them out tomorrow. The first ten callers will receive two tickets to the show. 555-0967. Heck, I'll even throw in the new Collin Raye CD with the tickets. So get on those phones, cuz this is a once in a lifetime opportunity." Mulder grabbed his cellphone from the seat and the phone was ringing before the deejay had even finished his rant. A woman's voice answered on the other side, "96.7 KCOW, congratulations, you're caller number nine…" Mulder smiled as the woman asked him for his name and number. ********************************************************************** "Mulder, for the last time, would you please tell me why we're going to this shady night club in Dallas. You said yourself the trip was useless," Scully pressed as Mulder pulled the car into a parking space near the night club. There were lots of people as the door, trying in vain to get into the club. Mulder nonchalantly led Scully towards the front of the line, where the bouncer was waiting. He pulled something out of his pocket, showed the man, who nodded and let them through the door. Mulder took Scully by the hand and led her towards an open table. The club was set up with twenty tables set up on the perimeter of a stage and a dance floor. Most of the tables were occupied with Texans in cowboy hats and at the others sat suit clad executive types, sipping on beers and margaritas. Mulder picked a table not far from the stage and pulled out Scully's chair for her. She shot him a strange look and waited for him to sit down until she interrogated him again, "Mulder, really, what are we doing here?" He ignored her question and asked, "Would you something to drink?" "Mulder, we're supposed to be working," Scully responded. "Sit back, relax. You're too tense. How about a glass of wine? I'll be right back," Mulder insisted, not allowing Scully to refuse the offer. Mulder came back with a glass of white wine and a beer for himself. He hardly ever drank, but he wanted to disguise the fact that he was nervous as hell. He decided a beer would do the trick. A few musicians came onstage and started tuning their instruments, in preparation for the show. Scully decided not to press the issue, because it was clear that she would get nothing out of Mulder, who just sat back in his chair and smiled. A cowboy clad man came from backstage and test the mic. He smiled at the audience and said, "Hey y'all and welcome to Pinky's. We have a special treat for y'all that got in tonight. He'll be playing at the Starplex tomorrow night, so get tickets if you want to see the big show. But since I've known this guy since we were just pups in Arkansas, he decided to grant me a favor an come play here. So please give a warm welcome to the one and only Collin Raye!" The place erupted into cheers as Collin Raye walked onstage and started his set. Scully starred at Mulder with confusion. He was just smiling and tapping his foot to the music. She scooted her chair closer and asked, "Collin Raye?" He leaned towards her so she could hear him and replied, "Yeah." "But you hate country music," she protested. "Yeah I know. I do," he responded. She sat back in her chair, trying to figure her partner out, who appeared to be having a great time. She gave up and pressed, "So why are we here?" Mulder refused to answer her, but just smiled at the question. The first song came to an end and the singer addressed the crowd, "I hope everybody's having a good time hear tonight. This next one is for a guy here who wants to thank his special lady for sticking with him cuz anyone else would have left long ago. So thank you Dana for giving a regular guy like us a chance." With that, the band started playing the couple's theme song of sorts. Scully only became more confused as Mulder rose from his chair and held out his hand for her to take. She did and he led her to the dance floor where a line dance had formed in the corner and a few couples snuggled together on the other side. He pulled her in close as they started to dance. Scully had heard the song before, but let herself be taken in by the scene as she really listened to the words for the first time. "When anyone else would've been long gone Packed it up and headed back home And not a soul would blame you after what I put you through Yeah anyone else would've gone insane Called the game on a count of rain Anyone else, anyone else Anyone but you" As she listened to the words, she realized that this song was indeed for her and she pulled back from Mulder a little to look into his eyes. "But why?" she asked. "Because I wanted to find the right way to thank you for everything," he replied. "Mulder, you could have just told me," she stated, laughing. "I know, but I had to find the perfect way to tell you I love you," he whispered gently into her ear. Her breath caught in her throat as she struggled to find the right response. She pulled back, making sure she heard him right, but nothing could come out of her mouth. His eyes sparkled softly in the dim light and he smiled as he saw her expression change from one of shock to one of understanding. He pulled her in closer as he shocked her once again with their first actual kiss. All of his doubts and apprehensions about his true feelings were washed away as a warmth he had never felt before took over his heart. They broke away, knowing that that was not to be their only kiss, and he rested his chin on the top of her head. She let herself get wrapped up in the moment, realizing that right then, everything was perfect in her world. She was in the arms of the man she loved and she now knew for sure that he loved her too. By the look in her eyes, he was sure she loved him too and he laughed happily when she asked, "But Mulder, really, why are we her?." "Because this is our first date," he replied as he leaned down to kiss her once more. *********** The End!!!! *********** So yeah, there you go, another one for y'all to rag on cuz it blows. Ok, well visit me at: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dunes/5754 and here's the full lyrics to "Anyone Else" Baby I bought wine and roses on my way home Yeah I know we can't afford it but life doesn't last too long This world has gone half-crazy And knocked us both to our knees I'm fumbling for the words to try to tell ya I love you for hangin' onto me When anyone else would've been long gone Packed it up and headed back home And not a soul would blame you after what I put you through Yeah anyone else would've gone insane Called the game on a count of rain Anyone else, anyone else Anyone but you Mayday baby, all the rivets popped loose, it's a total tailspin Too much grindstone, too little time with you Girl, you know it's wearing thin Baby let's trade in these teardrops For warm kisses on skin You got a drawer full of IOU's And it's high time you called those things in When anyone else would've been long gone Packed it up and headed back home And not a soul would blame you after what I put you through Yeah anyone else would've gone insane Called the game on a count of rain Anyone else, anyone else Anyone but you You've passed up so many chances To walk right out that door Instead of dodging a champagne cork And watchin' the wet clothes fall to the floor When anyone else would've been long gone Packed it up and headed back home And you can hide behind a Cheshire cat grin but you know it's true Yeah anyone else would've gone insane Called the game on a count of rain Anyone else, anyone else Anyone but you Anyone else Girl, anyone but you