Title - Darkened Bedroom (Version 1) Author - Marianne (Agent Dubie) E-Mail address - dubie910@hotmail.com (I'm just waiting for the hate mail after this one) Rating - PG13 Category - Story, Romance, sorta angst I guess Spoilers - none Keywords - MSR Summary - Scully has a visitor in her bedroom. Disclaimer - Mulder, Scully and all those guys are property of CC, Fox, and 1013. Didn't mean to use them, it just sorta happened. Sorry! **************************** Darkened Bedroom (Version 1) By Marianne (Dubie) **************************** Dana Scully set her briefcase on the kitchen table and threw her trench coat on the couch. She sighed as she plopped down next to it and closed her eyes. What a day. She had spent the last three hours typing a report for Skinner that Mulder had effectively gotten himself out of. His claim was that he had a doctor's appointment for the hip that he wounded in one of his basketball games. All she had heard about for the past three days was that illegal block and his poor hip. He just wanted to get out of paperwork. She knew the boy hadn't seen a doctor outside of the hospital since the damn Nixon administration. Who was he fooling? "What a pain in the ass," she muttered as she stretched the length of the couch. One day he'd make it up to her. She was sure of it. All the crap he had put her through would have to be repaid some day. She hoped sooner than later because her life was going nowhere. Same old job, same old Mulder, same old loneliness. She'd just have to settle for what she had. Just settle for him. Dreams of fantasy mixed with reality flowed through her mind as fatigue set in and she drifted off to sleep. She didn't hear the key slowly turning in the lock. He open the door slowly, afraid that she wouldn't be home. The visitor found her asleep on the couch. He smiled as he watched her sleep. He lifted the single red rose in his hand to the tip of his nose and inhaled softly. It smelled just like her. So sweet and tender, yet so strong and independent. He retreated to her bedroom to await her revival from slumber. Scully was pulled slowly from her slumber by the wind against the window pane. She yawned and stretched, deciding that a bed would be much more comfortable. She arose and sauntered towards the bedroom. She entered quietly, not bothering to flick the light switch and began to rid herself of her suit. She gasped as she felt the pedals of the rose against her bare back. "Don't let me stop you," a husky voice told her softly. She smiled and faced the intruder, "Jesus, you scared me. Why do you keep doing that?" "Because I know you like it. Although it's been a while since my last visit to your bedroom, I remember that the circumstances were quite similar," he replied with a smirk. "How's that?" she asked, standing there half dressed. "Well, last time, I was hiding in the dark and you were about to strip. Although I let you get farther this time before I cut in," he answered slyly. He lifted his hand to caress her cheek. She smiled at his touch. "Is that so? How could I have even forgotten?" she said playfully. "Well, I don't know, maybe because it's been so long. Every time I look into your eyes, I want be able to touch you… to hold you... to kiss you. Why do we do this to ourselves Dana? Why do we torture ourselves like this?" he confessed in his deep, scratchy voice. His words sent shock waves of desire trough her heart. "Because we have to. That's just the way it is," she replied sadly. "At least we can be together in the darkness of your bedroom. It's the one place where the outside world stays outside. It's the only place I can love you," he whispered seductively. Her heart pounded as he pulled her in for a tight kiss. She wrapped herself in the warmth of his lips and the taste of his tongue. How soft it seemed in contrast to his rugged exterior. He pulled back and whispered, "It has been way to long," as he began a trail of kisses that followed her neckline. His skilled hand reached behind her back and unhooked her bra strap. She gasped as she felt his cool hand against her back. "God I've missed you Alex," she whispered softly. ********** The End ********** [insert evil laugh here] Ouch! That hurts! Stop throwing stuff, please? I was so just kidding, the real story is Version 2 (just in case you couldn't figure that out after reading this one genius)! Go read that one. Ugh, the thought of Scully and Krycek together repulses me quite frankly and I would never actually want that to happen, so calm down. Sorry, I just had to!