Title - Dreaming- That Lovin' Feeling Author - Marianne Dubitsky (Agent Dubie) E-Mail address - dubie910@hotmail (all comments accepted!) Rating - PG Category - Story, kinda Crossover or whatever, Humor I guess Spoilers - None really Keywords - UST Summary - Scully falls asleep watching a movie on a Friday night Disclaimer - Let's make this short: M&S = not mine. M&S = CC, FOX, 1013. Jake & Dr. Marsh = mine!!! No harm, no foul, all good, don't sue, no $, please? Here we go- ***************************** Dreaming- That Lovin' Feeling ***************************** Dana Scully walked into the smoke filled bar surrounded by the FBI academy's best students. Most were either drunk or on their way there. She was supposed to meet her old college professor to discuss her progress in that such academy. A bar was not her ideal meeting place, but it would have to do. A particularly handsome young agent stood on the other side of the circular bar. He was discussing something with his companion. She tried to listen in. "Ok, the bet is twenty dollars," the companion said. "Twenty dollars," the handsome one repeated. "Right. You have to have carnal knowledge, of a lady this time, on the premises," he stated. The cute one laughed, "On the premises." "Come on Spook, a bet's a bet," the friend replied. The one called Spook looked around the room, put his beer down and said, "I don't know. It just, uh, doesn't seem fair, for you I mean. But she's lost that lovin' feeling." "She's lost. No she hasn't," he said shaking his head. "Yes she has," Spook confirmed. "She has not lost that lovin'…" he argued. "Jake, she's lost it," he fought with Jake. "Mulder come on. Shit! I hate it when she does that," Jake replied as Mulder walked away. He threw a peanut on the floor in disgust and followed Mulder. Dana turned her attention back to her drink. She felt someone tap on her shoulder. "Excuse me miss?" She spun around to find the handsome man named Mulder staring at her. His friend grabbed him and said, "Hey, hey, hey, I'll take care of this." Mulder pushed him aside and started singing into a microphone, "You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss you lips." Jake grabbed the mic as all attention was now on them, "There's no tenderness like before in your finger tips." Mulder snatched it back and continued, "You're trying hard not to show it, baby…" Every guy in the entire bar huddled around them and sang, "But baby believe me I noticed. You've lost that lovin' feeling. Woah, that lovin' feeling. You've lost that lovin' feeling, now it's gone, gone, gone, woah. Buddum, buddum, buddum dum dum." Dana laughed and replied, "Sit down" as Mulder stopped and smiled at her. He waved to the still singing crowd and said, "Thank you, thank you!" "I love that song. I've never seen that approach. How long have you two been doing this act?" she asked. "Ah, I don't know. Since, since," he struggled to remember. "Puberty?" she threw in with a smile. "Right, puberty," he laughed. "Hi, I'm Dana," she introduced. "I'm Mulder," he answered shaking her hand. "Mulder? Did your mother not like you or something?" she asked, intrigued by his name. "No, it's my last name?" he answered. "Oh, are you in the FBI?" she inquired, know full well who he was. "That's right, a federal agent," he confirmed, rather proud of himself. "Ah," she replied, clearly unimpressed. "No, actually, we've only done this twice," he told her, changing the subject. Dana raised her right eyebrow, "Oh, how'd you do?" "Crashed and burned on the first one, it wasn't pretty," he said. "And the second," she pressed. "I don't know. I'll tell you tomorrow, but it's looking good so far," he laughed, trying to act smooth. Dana saw her professor across the room and waved. Mulder was cute, but she wasn't buying his charm. "Well, uh, Mulder, my friend's just arrived, so it's been great talking to you." She turned to the professor, "Hi, I'll be right with you." She turned back to Mulder, "Listen, can I ask you a personal question?" He looked a little uncomfortable, but smiled and replied, "That depends." "Are you, uh, a good agent?" she asked slyly. "I can hold my own," he told her confidently. "Great. Then I don't have to worry about you making your life as a singer," she smirked as she walked away from the bar. "I'm gonna need a beer to put these flames out, yo!" she heard him say as she walked over to the table her professor was at. "Hi Dr. Marsh. Please excuse me just a minute," she said, putting her things on the chair. "Sure Dana," he replied and she smiled and traveled to the bathroom. She heard the door open to the ladies room as she reapplied her lipstick. Mulder stood in the doorway. "Long journey, was it agent?" she asked. "Too long," he answered cunningly. "What do you want to do? Just drop right down on the tile and go for it?" she teased. She had heard the details of the bet and knew exactly what he wanted. "No, actually, I had this counter in mind," he said, testing the weight of the wood counter. "That would be very, very comfortable, yeah," she continued as the put her lipstick back in her purse. This guy was treading on the line. "Could be," he smiled and changed the subject, sensing that she was uncomfortable, "Actually, I came in here to save you from making a big mistake with that older guy." "Really," she raised her eyebrows and shot back, "so I could go onto a bigger one with a young guy like yourself?" "Maybe, you know," he sensed that she wasn't buying it. "I've got to be at work very early in the morning," Dana stated dryly as she headed for the door. "Then what are you doing her?" he asked as a last ditch effort as she opened the door. She ignored him and made her way back to the table. She passed his friend at the bar, who was cradling a new beer and smiled, "You're friend was magnificent!" She laughed as she heard him exclaim, "Nahhhh" in disbelief. *********************** Scully awoke from her slumber and turned to the television to see that the credits were rolling. She shook her head to get rid of the cobwebs. Images from her dream flowed back into her mind. Only she could dream that she and Mulder were in Top Gun. Although he would look good in a sailor uniform. She smiled and headed toward her bedroom. Maybe movies on a Friday night were not such a good idea. ******* The End ******* So you like? Should I write more Scully in movie dreams?? I got more ideas, but I need your help. Please tell me! dubie910@hotmail.com Major Top gun ripp off, I'm sorry, but I absolutely love that movie... Maybe Princess Bride next?? Tell me, please!!