Title - Only New Years Author - Marianne Dubitsky (Dubie) Rated - PG Category - SRA Keywords - MSR Summary - Mulder, Scully and the year 2000. Disclaimer - Mulder, Scully and the boys aren't mine, they are the property of 1013, CC and Fox.. buh bye now! ********************** Only New Years by Marianne Dubitsky *********************** "You're not doing this Mulder," Scully sighed as she sat down at her desk. "Not doing what? I haven't done anything. Why do you want to go to this FBI equivalent of the senior prom? Wait, don't answer that," Mulder replied as he propped his feet up on his desk and leaned back in his chair. "God Mulder! Why is it so hard for you to believe that maybe I just want to have a semi-normal life? What part of that concept is so difficult for you to comprehend? They have this stupid thing every year and you always have some excuse why we can't go. It's either chasing aliens in Albuquerque or tracking down Elvis in Vegas," she retaliated. "Now I resent that comment. Some of our most valuable findings have come on New Years Eve. I also find is completely ironic that the nation is hiring millions of riot cops for this year and the entire FBI will be in tuxedos and ball gowns dancing the night away," Mulder said as he took his feet off the desk and looked straight at her. "Well then, I'm just not going with you," she responded, crossing her arms smugly. "You can't not go with me," he said, a little too quickly. "Oh and why not? Am I wearing a sign that says 'Mulder's little tag-along'? The only reason you drag me along is to make your little jaunts look official. Well not this time. I'm going to the big pointless FBI shindig and you'll just have to accept that," Scully stated bluntly. "Fine, have it your way" Mulder replied. "Fine, I will," Scully said as she grabbed her keys and headed for the office door. * * * * * * * "And you just let her leave like that?' Byers asked. "What a woman!" Frohike interjected. "What a woman? What a wuss! I can't believe you just let her go like that," Langly interrupted. "Well what was I supposed to do?" Mulder replied. "You should have offered to take her you half wit. The lovely Miss Scully in a elegant ball gown is something that every man should see," Frohike answered. He walked around to a desk drawer and pulled out a small picture. He handed it to Mulder and nodded. Mulder studied the picture carefully. It was of a stunningly familiar young woman and her date and a high school prom. The slender girl wore a simple flowing blue gown and her red locks were wrapped up on top of her head, with a few curly strands escaping to cascade around her shinning face. "Frohike, where did you get this?" Mulder asked, still in awe of the young beauty. "I have my sources," Frohike replied deviously. "Shut up, you found her date and paid him a hundred bucks," Langly said, taking the picture from Mulder's hands. "It was fifty bucks and I did not!" Frohike retaliated. "Ok, ok, that's beside the point. The point is, Mulder, why aren't you taking Scully to this thing?" Byers asked. "Why should I take Scully to this thing. It's just some overrated dinner thing that the FBI throws every year. All the head honchos that sent me down to the basement are there drinking champagne and talking about what crazy stuff I've done that year. Not exactly my idea of a swell time," he answered, snatching the picture back from Langly. "Then you're going to let her go alone?" Langly asked. "Well, not exactly. She, um, already has a date," Mulder replied sighing. "What do you mean she's got a date? Who's she going with?" Frohike inquired, letting a little jealously flair. "She's going with one of the new agents. Some guy named Richardson. I don't know, I guess she met him at lunch or something," he informed them, with as much jealousy as Frohike exhibited. "Well then, you have to just go there and sweep her off her feet," Byers said. "What?" Mulder asked. "He's right Mulder, you gotta take the bull by the horns and go to this thing. It's now or never," Frohike told him. "But, I don't know. I've never been to one of these things before," Mulder confessed. "You missed your senior prom? How pathetic. Geez even we went," Langly responded. "Yeah, so? I didn't go to my senior prom. What's the big deal?" Mulder asked. "Well here's your chance to make up for it. You have to show up at this thing and win her over," Frohike said. "But why? Why now? Why is this the place?" he questioned. "Mulder, it's been seven years. I think now is the time. It'll be perfect. You and her…" Frohike began. "A new millennium…" Byers continued. "And major points on the romantic scale," Langly finished. "You guys need to get out more," Mulder answered. "At least we're not the ones who haven't told Scully that you've been in love with her for seven years," Langly retaliated. "Good point, where do we start?" Mulder asked. * * * * * * * "Ok guys, what's going on?" Mulder asked, talking into the microphone hidden beneath his shirt. Frohike's voice came softly though the ear piece, "We're good to go Mulder. Everything's working perfectly. The beautiful Miss Scully and her date are currently sitting at a table in the corner of the ballroom furthest from the entrance." "What's my time?" Mulder inquired. "It's 11:56. They're dropping the movie screen right now and more people are moving towards the dance floor," Langly informed him. "Ok, I'm going in," Mulder said quietly as he pulled open the double doors. "I see you. She's moved into the dance floor and she has her back to you," Frohike relayed the information. Mulder cautiously looked around for her, hoping not to been seen. His breath caught in his throat as he saw her on the other side of the ballroom. This Scully was even more elegant than the faded picture. Her nearly backless long navy blue dress seemed to accentuate every curve of her body. Her uniquely red tresses were pulled up on the top of her head, with a few curled strands framing her face. Mulder stood motionless as he found himself caught up in her beauty. "Mulder!" Frohike yelled in his ear. Startled, Mulder almost jumped at the sound in his ear. "What?" he whispered, still transfixed with her elegance. "It's 11:59, you better make your move!" Frohike replied. Mulder shook his head and took a deep breath. The lights dimmed and the image of the New York crystal ball illuminated the screen. Mulder slowly made his way through the crowd towards Scully when the countdown began. As the crowd hit "Three!", Mulder took her hand from behind and slowly spun her around. "Mulder!" Scully whispered in surprise. "Happy New Year!" the crowd shouted as the band began to play and confetti streamed down from above. Mulder silently pulled Scully towards him and lowered his head to kiss her. Scully's heart raced as his lips finally met hers. Then entire night she had wished he had been there dancing with her. The rest of the world seemed to slip away as she lost herself in the moment. Mulder suddenly broke away as the sound of the Lone Gunmen cheering filled his ear. He looked at Scully, realizing what he had just done and said, "I gotta go," as he let go of her. "Mulder wait!" Scully yelled as he ran through the double doors and headed for the lobby. Completely confused, Scully pulled up her dress and ran after him. She through open the glass front doors of the hotel and scoured the sidewalk, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. The fireworks of the new millennium had not yet ceased and she stepped to the edge of the sidewalk and hailed a cab. * * * * * * * "You know, you're not an easy guy to find in a place like this," Scully said as she took a seat next Mulder on the park bench in front of the Jefferson Memorial. He stared into the water of the pool that glistened with the lights of the Washington Monument. "You shouldn't be out alone on a night like this," he replied. "I'm not," she answered quietly. "How did you find me?" he inquired, still not able to look at her. "Women's intuition," she told him, turning on the bench to face him. "Why did you make it so easy for me to find you?" "I don't know," he sighed. "Why did you leave?" she asked him, after a moment of silence. "I don't know, I was scared I guess," he responded, lowering his head. "So you ran away," she interrupted. "Looks like it. After I, well… I thought I'd, I was scared I'd… lose you," he said quietly. "You couldn't lose me Mulder," she answered. "Now why is that?" he asked. "Because I wouldn't let you," she replied. She moved closer to him on the bench and turned his head to look into his eyes. "I know Mulder. I've known for a long time," she told him softly. "I'm sorry," he said, returning her gaze. "For what?" she asked. "For everything," he answered. "I'm sorry too," she replied. "For what?" he asked. "For never telling you," she responded. "That's ok," he replied. "Thank you," she said. "For what?" he inquired. "For loving me," she answered, as she pulled him towards her. He lowered his head and their lips met. Neither noticed the cheering coming from the ear piece in Mulder's pocket as the world around them floated away and a new one began. ******* The End ******* Yup that's it, not very good, but its something!