Title - A Little Tantrum Author - Marianne Dubitsky (Agent Dubie) E-Mail address - dubie910@hotmail.com (please please tell me how crappy this is. I love the flames!!!) Rating - R (for language, ewww, I'm not like that!!!!!) Category - Story, MSR (Big time Mushy), Angsty too!!! Spoilers - Um.... References to FTF, The End, The Beginnging (or maybe it's more like Drive.. or Dreamland.. or... whatever... just go with it!), and a tiny Chiga reference (catch it if ya can!) Keywords - MSR (As I said before... Noromos run and hide before I shoot ya in the ass for being so damn stupid!!!) Summary - Scully throws a little tantrum in her apartment after Mulder ditches her yet again! Note - Ew, just read it already. Oh, and if you are offended with "grown up words" coming out of Scully's mouth, go (enter explicit word here) yo' self! ***************** A Little Tantrum by Marianne (Agent Dubie) ***************** "Ugh," Dana Scully yelled as she loudly slammed her apartment door and flung her briefcase against the nearest wall. "Fuck him!" It had not been a very good day in the basement so to speak. Things between her and her partner Agent Mulder were not going very well to say the least. He had taken off yet again on some little romp of his and left her to do all of the paperwork. Now normally, this would not have been a big deal, but Mulder had run off with his ex-chickadee Agent Diana Fowley, their report was due an hour after he left, and she had gotten reprimanded for his absence. "That asshole! Who does he think he is running off without me! He leaves me to do all of the actual work while he's off gallivanting around with that slut of an ex-girlfriend. God damn bastard son of a bitch," she ranted as she paced around her apartment. She picked up a pillow on the couch and flung it in the general directing of the door. She walked over and picked it up only to get the urge to throw it once again. This time it skidded across the living room table, knocking everything over that stood in it's path. "Shit!" she cried as she viewed the mess she had just created. Nothing was going right today. The report had been late and she had gotten two days suspension by AD Kersh for not keeping her partner in line. She had protested, but he just gave her another day so she would have time to cool off. Cooling off was no where in her immediate itinerary. "I can't believe that asshole suspended me. Damn it Mulder. Fuck you! This is the last god damn time I'm going to cover for your sorry ass. All you ever do and have ever done for six fucking years is get me into trouble. I'm not going to take it anymore you hear me you asshole?" she shouted to no one in particular. She took off her shoes and hurled them violently into her bedroom with another "Ugh". She unbuttoned her business suit jacket but decided not to take it off. She should just burn it because after today, it wasn't exactly her good luck suit. "I need a drink", she proclaimed as she walked over to the cabinet. She opened it up to find nothing but a little over a shot of vodka left. "Fuck alcohol," she yelled and threw her hands up in disgust. This insignificant little proclamation rejuvenated her fit of rage. She took a large step and pretended to kick an imaginary Mulder square in the ass. "Take that you shit head. Why did you have to run out on me yet again? And with that damn bitch Fowley too! What the hell does she have over me? I can strut around the FBI headquarters with my nose in the air and a stick up my ass too if I wanted to. But no, I have more integrity than that. But still, what do you do Mulder? You run off to god knows fucking where with that little whore and leave me to get my ass rung by that dickhead of a boss. And all because of you and that bitch, I'm suspended for three fucking days! What the hell am I going to do for three days? Shit!" Scully was still fuming as she began to pace around her apartment mumbling incoherently to herself. The mere thought of them together increased her level of anger and caused her to yell at the walls again, "And I am NOT jealous. But who does she think she is being gone in wherever the hell she was and coming back expecting Mulder to just fall head over heels for her? Ugh, what nerve! Her and her little whiney voice and all. Whatever!" She then switched from addressing the walls to an imaginary Diana Fowley. "Listen bitch, I'm the one who makes him a whole person. I'm the one he can't do this without. I'm the one who has stood by him for six years and where the hell have you been? What have you done for him? Nothing! That's right, you haven't done jack shit! For six years, I've watched out for him, took care of him, and comforted him when he needed me. He doesn't want you! He wants me!" Scully wasn't even taking the time to listen to herself rant. She would have probably stopped a long time ago if she knew exactly what she was saying. She sounded not just a little like, but exactly like a jealous girlfriend. She had lost total control over her emotions, so instead of trying to calm herself down, she just let everything fly. She turned her anger towards Mulder, "And damn it you asshole. What do you see in her? I'm the one who has stood by you, through everything. I'm the one you wanted to kiss in your hallway and would have except for that fucking bee! Damn it Mulder. Why do I keep letting you do this to me? Every time you decide to just run off, I am left to pick up the pieces. I cover for you all the time. I write all of the reports. I work out all of the money problems. I do everything. And what do you do? You run off. Every god damn time. I leave and you stick pencils on the ceiling. You drop by my apartment at all hours. You call me for no apparent reason. You eat those damn sunflower seeds and make a bunch of noise and leave shells all over the place. You always put down my ideas. You give me vague answers. You always have to lead me everywhere. You give me looks from across the room. You flirt with me endlessly without ever acting on it and damn it, I just can't take this anymore!!!!" With this exclamation, Scully plopped down on the couch and sighed. She was calmer, but there was now a lingering feeling of confusion deep within her. She bowed her head and covered her face with her hands. What is my problem?, she thought. Mulder. Mulder's my problem. It suddenly dawned on her that she was jealous. Not just jealous, but insanely jealous. She wanted Mulder all to herself and couldn't stand to see anyone else with him. Why do I let him do this to me?, she questioned. How come he has this huge control over my emotions? Mulder, Mulder, Mulder. It always boils down to Mulder. Everything always has something to do with Mulder. Why? What is it about him? Why Dana, why? "Because I love him," Scully muttered to herself. What? Her head popped up and her brow furled in thought. No, that's not it. That can't be it. I don't love Mulder. He pisses me off too much. He's got all of those stupid quirks. That can't be the answer. Can it? After six years, could I have fallen in love with Mulder? No, no way, never. Right? Scully stood up and exclaimed, "No way. There's just no way." Her words were not that convincing. She folder her arms and stared absently into space. No I can't love him. But why not? Because he's Mulder that's why. That's not a good reason. Do you trust him with your life? Of course, I have to. Well do you worry about him? Yes, but what does that have to do with anything. Do you miss him when he's gone? Yeah, but that's just because I spend so much time with him. Do you get jealous when he's around other women? I think we went over this. Do you like when he flirts with you? Yes, but who wouldn't. Did you want to kiss him in the hallway? Maybe at the time. Do you think about him like that? Like what? You know, like that? That's none of your business. Ok come on Dana, I'm you. Ok, yeah, so. Well, do you shiver when your hand brushes against his? I don't know. Dana? Ok, yeah. Do you wish you could spend every minute of every day with him? Sometimes. Do you smile when someone mentions his name? No. Dana? Ok, yeah. Do you feel all safe and secure when he's around? Yes. Do you get that warm and fuzzy feeling? Yeah. Now Dana, do you love him as a friend? Yes. Do you wish you two could be more than friends? Um, at times. Dana? Ok, all the time. Are you madly, deeply, to the end of the Earth in love with him? I don't know. Come on Dana, you know you are. I am not. Dana? What? Dana? What? Dana! Ok, ok, you're right. You are in love with him? "Damn it, yes. I, Dana Katherine Scully am in love with that asshole Fox Mulder and want desperately to spend the rest of my life with him!!!" The phone rang. And rang. And rang. Scully refused to pick it up. If it was Mulder he didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that she had just gotten over her denial of her feelings for him. Oh, he'd love that. That asshole better apologize. The answering machine picked up, "Scully? Scully, it's me. Please pick up the phone. I know you're there. Just pick up the phone. I want to talk to you." Scully crossed her arms in refusal and starred at the phone. "Ok, fine. I understand. Look, I'm sorry you got suspended. I apologize because it's all my fault. I'm sorry for running off with Diana. We got there and I found out that the whole thing was a scam. They're trying to break us up Scully and we can't let them. She led me to another crackpot on purpose. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. I guess I just had to find out the hard way. Come on Scully, just talk to me. I don't want us to be like this anymore. You know I would never do anything to hurt you. I swear. I don't like it when you're mad at me. I'm really sorry Scully. I don't want us to fight anymore. We need to stick together Scully. It's you and me against the world. If you don't want to do this anymore just tell me and it'll be over. I meant what I said in the hall. I can't do this without you. I don't even want to. Scully, you do make me a whole person. I don't think I could live with myself if you were gone. You mean everything to me." Scully stood staring at the answering machine in shock. Her lower lip began to tremble and a tear slowly made its way down her cheek. She didn't even take the time to wipe it away. Something about his words had penetrated her defense system and had touched her heart. She hated to cry, but this time, she just felt she needed to. If only he was here. "The truth is Scully…" Scully had been so wrapped up in the voice from the answering machine that she failed to notice that someone had entered her apartment and was standing not to far behind her. The answering machine clicked off as Mulder had hung up and Scully suddenly felt a familiar presence in the room. She whipped around to find Mulder standing behind her in his jeans and gray T-shirt holding a single red rose. "I love you," he said sheepishly. Scully held in a cry of joy as she made her way over to Mulder and let him embrace her. She allowed herself to get lost in his warmth. She felt so safe in his arms. She never wanted him to let her go. Scully let out a sigh of contentment as she felt Mulder pull away slightly. "Mulder I…" Scully began as she stared into his eyes. "Shh, you don't have to say anything," he replied as he put his finger to her lips. "Not even if it's: Mulder, I love you?" she asked with her eyebrow raised a little. "Well, I guess that's ok," Mulder answered playfully. "Mulder, I love you," Scully said with a grin. "Well, now that that's settled," Mulder stated as he lowered his head to meet her lips. This kiss was like nothing she could have ever expected and more passionate than she could have ever dreamed. The taste of his lips, his tongue, of Mulder was her new favorite treat. She smiled lovingly at him as they slowly pulled away. He returned her gaze with a sparkle in his own eyes. There they stood, in each others arms, totally wrapped up in each others presence. As Mulder slowly pulled her in for another kiss, Scully decided that maybe this was her good luck suit after all. ************* The END!!!! ************* I'm sorry! And damn, it started out soo well too huh? Mushy Mushy Mushy!! I apologize profusely. You know you like the Sailor-Scully though, didn't you? Didn't you?? Yeah, I thought so!! Hee hee!!! I have no one to thank for this. I'm sorry I don't. No one helped (sorry), no one read it (well Stace did, but she didn't tell me anything about it!), no one cared. Kinda sad actually. So, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE gimme feedback (dubie910@hotmail.com). I'm almost wondering if I should stop writing right now while no one hates me yet. Alright, I'm outtie! Wait, SHAMELESS PLUG: go to my X-Files Page (it's super-dope imho) http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dunes/5754