Sailor Neptune
North American Name- Michiru (Not translated yet!)
Japanese Name- Kaiou Michiru
Birthday- March 6
Astrological Sign- Pisces
Age- 17-18 (Beginning)
Height- 5'5"
Blood Type- O (Means workaholic, insecure, emotional)
Gemstone- Aquamarine
Favorite Color- Marine blue
Likes-  Collecting cosmetics, swimming, painting, playing violin
Dislikes- Kikurage (A mushroom)
Favorite Subject- Music
Worst Subject- None
Favorite Animal- Unknown
Has Trouble With- Sea cucumbers
Strong Points- Violinist, painter
Dream- To be a volinist
 Michiru is a graceful scout. Michiru has many talents, including violin playing,
swimming and painting. She is considered a snob by many, though she is sweet. She
has trouble deciding her future. Michiru can hear the seas. Michiru is the exact
opposite of Haruka. But they are both alike in that they will sacrifice anything to save
the world..... except each other! Holder of the Aqua Mirror and Deep Submerge,
Michiru is Sailor Neptune!
 Michiru's discovery to be a sailor scout is never really told, though
you can gather a few clues about it from the Sailor Moon S season. When
Haruka and Michiru were talking before she became a scout, Haruka
looked at a painting of the destruction of the world. So, even though it is
never stated, one can infer that Michiru saw the future and chose to
become a scout due to that premonition. Sailor Neptune's entrance to the Sailor Moon series is the same as Uranus' in the anime- Raye has a premonition dream about two
scouts. When Raye's pure crystal heart is taken from her body by a daimon, Neptune and Uranus kill
it. Then they examine the crystal, and return it to Raye's body, returning Raye to life.
 Sailor Neptune has the Aqua Mirror. The Aqua Mirror is a talisman contained in
pure heart crystals that helps create the Holy Grail. Sailor Neptune and Uranus was
told by a Death Buster to go to a Cathedral, being told that the Death Buster knew
who had the talismans. When they entered the Cathedral, Neptune was kidnapped.
Uranus tried to save her, only to be shot with bullets. Neptune broke free of her
entrapment, trying to save Uranus. Neptune was shot with bullets, but continued
trying until she died. The Aqua Mirror was revealed. Uranus killed herself to reveal
the Space Sword. Uranus and Neptune were brought back by Pluto's Orb.
  There has been alot of confusion going around, so I thought I'd clear things
up. Yes, Michiru is a lesbian. Yes, her lover is Haruka. They care for each other
deeply. And though never directly said in the anime, the creator, Naoko Taekuchi,
verified it was true. Michiru actually comes on to Haruka first. When they meet for
the first time, Michiru says that there is a girl "who wants to ride in your car with
you." When Michiru saves Uranus from an attack, she admits it was her. Then they
go riding. In Sailor Moon Sailor Stars, Michiru and Haruka raise Hotaru. She
calls Michiru "Momma" and Haruka "Poppa."