Sailor Uranus
North American Name- Haruka (Not translated yet!)
Japanese Name- Tenoh Haruka
Birthday- January 27
Astrological Sign- Aquarius
Age- 17-18 (Beginning)
Height- 5'9"
Blood Type- B (Means outgoing, optimistic, adventrous)
Gemstone- Amber
Favorite Color- Gold
Likes- Driving, motors sports, Michiru
Dislikes- Weakness
Favorite Subject- Physical Education
Worst Subject- Modern Japanese
Favorite Animal- Unknown
Has Trouble With- Confessing
Strong Point- Racing
Dream- To be a racer
 Haruka is one of the more complex scouts. Haruka is an outer scout,
arriving in the Sailor Moon S season. Sworn to defend the Earth from evil,
she will sacrifice nearly anything to save it.... except for her beloved Michiru.
Her power over the legendary Space Sword and her World Shaking,
Haruka is Sailor Uranus!
          Haruka wasn't discovered by the cats or the Inner Senshi. Haruka was
discovered by Michiru. In the anime: Haruka gets introduced to Michiru.
Michiru tells Haruka that she is different, but Haruka ignores her. Later, Harukasees someone asking for help. When she goes to him, he turns into a monster. A pen appears in front of
Haruka. Someone tells her not to take it or she will never be normal again. Sailor Neptune- Michiru
dives to save Haruka from the monster and kills it. Haruka is upset that Michiru might  hurt her hands.
She grabs for the pen and turns into Sailor Uranus. Uranus appears with a dream Raye has, and with
Neptune defeats the first daimon that attacks Raye.
 Sailor Uranus has one of the talismans that creates the Holy Grail. Within
Uranus's pure heart is the Space Sword. The Space Sword was found when a
Death Buster figured out who had the pure heart crystal. She lured Uranus and
Neptune to a Cathedral and kidnapped Neptune. When Uranus tried to save
Neptune, she was shot many times. Neptune died trying to save Uranus, and the
first talisman was revealed. Uranus killed herself to get the Space Sword out, but
was brought back to life by Pluto's talisman, the Orb.
  Haruka is a lesbian. She flirts with many girls, including Serena, whom
she kissed several times in manga, and all the inner scouts except for Amy.
But she stays true to Michiru, her lover. Even though it is never said out
loud in the anime, the creator, Naoko Taekuchi, verified that it was true.
Haruka and Michiru, in Sailor Stars and the manga, raise Hotaru up from a
little girl, and she calls Haruka "Poppa" and Michiru "Momma".