Hi, I'm Adam Stone and I would like to thankyou for visiting UFO.net at Area 51, the paramount site for anyone interested in the latest thinking and findings of the UFO community. In UFO.net at Area 51 I decided to create a site that you will hopefully want to visit again and again with quality graphics and up to the minute news, views and features. Please let me know what you think and what you would like me to add to the site, including any news, hot links or features you'd like to see by filling in the visitors book below. Oh, and call back soon, I intend to update the site on a regular basis, so make sure you don't miss a thing!
I am a Mac Designer and together with my business partner, John Derham, have recently set up a new and exciting company to create quality, effective Web Site Design and Marketing (Web Sight Ltd). Things are going really well at the moment but the downside is I am finding it hard to find time to maintain UFOnet so please be patient! If you have any interesting thoughts or anecdotes please email me and I may include them in a future update. Thanks once again for visiting UFO.net at Area 51 and remember...
Adam Stone Please click above to email me or take a second to sign the visitors book... |