Full Name: Shaylin (Shadow)(aka Neo-Goddess)
Origin: The Pure Light
Age: Eternal
Height: 5'8"
Race: Devine, Goddess
Year of Birth: Creation
Story: Shadow was born at the dawn of Creation and she was sent to stay in
the Eternal Flame. During the Silver Revolution Serenity drew from her
powers to trap Beryl and save the people of the Moon Kingdom. When she was
finally released she had the form of a child, her energy was locked up into
four heart crystals called the Silver Heart Crystals and she would remain a
child until her energy was freed. Her energy was freed when a crisis rocked
the Earth. Now as Shadow she has become something that is very feared, she
has become evil.
Death Revolution: Raises the dead to fight as a army of her followers.
Apocalypse: Starts the Apocalypse.
Death Star Destruction: A beam of light streaks into space and then plummets
to the ground in the form of black stars and destroys the enemy.
Black Rose Sight: She calls this spell to disguise herself and she can look
like anyone she wishes.
Spirit Rain: Causes the spirit if the light to rise and send down torrents
of rain that will destroy the evil in an enemy.
White Light: Causes the White(Pure) Light to shine down on her enemy
destroying it.
Holy Grail: Summons the Holy Grail of the Eternal Goddess.
Rise Revolution: "Give me the power to bring the world revolution!" Summons
the powers of the Revolution and starts the next world revolution.
Absolute Destiny Apocalypse: Summons the World Revolution that shall bring
the Apocalypse of the world.
The History:
Shadow was born on the dawn of creation to govern over the universe. She
was sent to sleep in the Eternal Flame for an eternity after the lesser
goddesses revolted. She was freed during the Dark Revolution and in teh
form of a child she aided the side of light. When her true nature was
returned she fought against the forces of darkness and evil. She however
fell in love with the Ultimate Evil, the Pure Evil and she started to live
for someone not for the Universe and she became evil. She is now planning
an attack on the Eternal Palace.
She fell in love with the Pure Evil, Teran. She is madly in love with him
and she wishes to marry him against the wishes of anyone who opposes her.