N'fra is rider to green Tefiath of Fort Weyr's Starstrike Wing(Note:The picture of N'fra that was here has suddenly become illegal. But, a heartfelt thanks to Dree Dreslough who created, in my mind, the image of N'fra).
Nefra is the middle child of now 9 girls, most at crafts, but a few situated in the Fort Hold area. With a sister everywhere, she decided she'd find something she would be good in, and hopefully, at the same time, manage to keep away from one of the brood. Her talent came in burns, her choice of life, a healer. At Healer Hall she flourished, falling in love with Harper Hall's steward, Telon in the process. However, two beings came into her life to redirect that energy elsewhere: Brown Riallath(Ryka) and Green Belisanth(Sh'lin), two dragons from Fort Weyr. They decided, after a comfy sitting on the poor healer that she would do for Arien's Katrineth and J'dano's Zhanth's clutch. Telon was also Searched, and for a while, Nefra became a candidate at Fort Weyr.
Unfortuately, Nefra did not Impress at the time, though Telon met and Impressed Green Gaelth that same night. Stunned with the alaricity of the Hatching, and the seeming pass/fail of the dragon's choices, she renewed her interest in healing, making it all the way to Senior Journeyman within no time at all. However, fate decided to take a turn and just when she was about to apply for Master's Exam, she was Searched yet again, this time by the man who had once been weyrmate, friend, and former candidate, T'lon. This time, from a Mountain Sunset Egg in Ashtoreth and Khyranth's last clutch shelled a quite large green who announced herself as Tefiath to the stunned candidate. Since then, N'fra, as she is now known, has become assistant weyrlingmaster and a future dragonhealer.
Autumn's colors curl chestnut throughout her feathered, chin-length hair, lightly freckle the tawny-gold skin of face and arms, and light the depths of her wide, dark brown eyes with expressive humor. Petite, framed more sturdy than slender but gently curved for all that, with experience she's focused inherent bounciness into a slow, confident stride and measured gestures.
On her left shoulder, N'fra sports the knot of a Fort Weyr Weyrlingmaster assistant: one black and brown strand interwined, along with a frosty green strand to indicate her lifemate's color. On the left shoulder of her jacket is the newly bestowed emblem of the Starstrike wing: a blue-black diamond with a malevolent Red Star centermost, encircled by four dragon touching at the wingtips: green, bronze, brown, and blue. N'fra's buttercream leathers are tanned to supple softness, snug along the line of leg and curve of hip. Boxy-shouldered, the jacket tapers at the waist and cuffs at the wrist, contrast to the simply-cut green tunic beneath; soft quilting adds layers of warmth, lining the inside in pale brown. Embroidery--the same hue as the shirt--winds about the lapels of the jacket and down the seams of the pants: an elegant vine accentuated by goldenrod threads.
ridges of lucent yellow-green radiate back from headknob's outward
tilt to tail's decided end. Large eyes swirl above a rounded nose, set to
accentuate pert muzzle's curving tip; the exquisite length of long, lithe
neck offsets the rotund convexity of weighty haunches and condensed tail
Gooseberry's crisp, verdant green gives way to the pastel of cloying
sweetness along the wide reach of her belly, rising up to encompass the
narrow-hooked ends of slender set wings.
More to come as I work on it!