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Hello and welcome to The Women of Star Wars Home Page!

This site will be dedicated to the Women of the Star Wars Universe.

I will be posting information from the movies and books, rants, opinions, gripes, praise, adulation, etc., as it regards the female characters we know and love (or hate as the case may be). I'm interested in feedback, so if you're inclined to do so, drop me a line at Geocities (the address is below).


Special Announcements

There are now two new sections to the Women of Star Wars Home Page: Book News and Book Reviews. These sections will be updated regularly, so be sure to bookmark this page.

Also - and this is just a trial to see how it works out, but there is now a Women of Star Wars Message Board. Visit us here!

Post a Message in My Message Board!

Over at StarWars.Com, they have begun running a new feature - serialized short fiction. The main character in this first story is a great addition to the Women of Star Wars, Naboo Defense Force Pilot Essara Till. Check it out!

There are still many book reviews and biographies to be written. I would like to encourage readers to submit book reviews and biographies for the site. All submissions will be reviewed for content, must be original work, and must fit with the design of the site. All submissions will be credited to the submitting author. Take a look what remains to be done, and take your pick!


Email me at:

You are the visitor to this site since April 27, 1999.

This site was created in March 1997.

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