BlueReef Sea Holt


  1. Setting
  2. Interior
  3. Elves
  4. Clothing and Hair
  5. Bond Animals
  6. Pets
  7. Magic
  8. Self-Shaping
  9. Society
  10. Other Inhabitants
  11. Things to Note


The Holt is set within a huge granite cliff above the Greatsea. There is no beach as the cliff rises directly from the ocean, though beaches exist both to the south and north of the Holt. The cliff faces the East. A large reef and sharp edged rocks fill the area about the cliff. On the land side of the Holt lies a vast, green jungle filled with exotic plants and animals.

(Graphic of the holt.)


Consists of a series of small cozy caves and huge caverns connected by slanting hallways or stairs. There are no flat hallways due to drainage in these often damp living quarters. The caves get drier as they get closer to the top of the cliff. Illumination is provided by low smoke candles and oil lamps, augmented during the day with window opening on the cliff face. Fresh water has been diverted from underground sources to pour through various chanels, fountains, etc and provide drinking and cleaning water for the elves.

One cavern of note is the entrance from the sea, which is over a hundred feet high though much of it is underwater. Various holes connect to the sea outside. On the interior wall are wide sweeping stairs, where elves may sit to change from or to sea form. At the top are several freshwater falls varying between ten to twenty-five feet tall which pour into pools then continue on over the landing to plunge another thirty or so (varies with the tides) feet. Lit by windows, there is also abundant low light plants decorating the cavern.


Are almost exclusively pure-blooded, though a streak of cat-blood runs in a few families. They are 4 to 5 feet tall, very slender, and with pointed though small ears, however a few have large or exotic ears as a strong streak of shape-shifting has influenced varied family lines. Except for a few elves with strong foreign blood, they are amphibious with both lungs and gills-which are located in three slits along either side of the ribcage. After an ocean swim elves will head for the fresh water showers to rinse off, so their gills do not seal closed over salt. A number of the elves have some webbing between their fingers and toes. The elves have sound, rather than descriptive names. Skin, hair, and eye color vary drastically.

Clothing and Hair

As inhabitants of a warm water culture, clothing is skimpy to say the least. The exceptions are land hunters who will wear more covering and thus more protective clothing, and crafters/artisans who can put decoration over practicality. Hair is generally worn short or tightly confined for ventures outside the holt (think about it...coral reefs and thick jungle), the crafters/artisans do wear elaborate styles as may any elf who remains in the Holt-say for a party.

Bond Animals

Sea mammals, felines, canines, primates, corvids.

Bond animals' instincts are suborned by the desire to remain with their bond friend and they become more intelligent by sharing thoughts with elves. Which means an animal that would be a dangerous pet can be a splendid bond-friend. Bondanimals can have sound or descriptive names.


Fish, birds, reptiles, sea mammals, small mammals, (no large land or sea animals can be pets). Remember that if your elf chooses a pet, that they must also consider care, feeding and protection for the animal.


Common - Sending, magic sense, animal bonding

Uncommon - Weather sense, Self-shaping (1 shape)

Rare - Rock shaping, water shaping, wind shaping, plant shaping

Very Rare - Healing, Self-shaping (2 or 3 shapes), gliding, hypnosis, metal shaping, fire shaping

Unique - Flesh shaping, multiple glider, weather shaping, self shape (unlimited) (yet undefined magics that the member develops that are accepted by the editors)

Elves may possess only one ability in the Uncommon to Unique magics, though they may have all three common magics.


This talent follows these rules: Conservation of mass, no wing shapes are capable of flight (strength/mass ratio is incompatible), each shape takes a long time to learn (and each shape also influences the brain, so each shape may have a personality slightly different from the original).


The elves have a lord and a council with the following titles:

For all but the Seamaster and Huntmaster their tasks are not absolute as many elves deal with their responsibilities on their own. They represent their group in council, settle disputes, confirm training but they do not manage all aspects of a group member's job.

Other Inhabitants

Beyond the animals and plants, the land is shared with various humans. A multitude of primitive tribes, The Alcatans (A human empire in the distant mountains-there are rumors that trolls exist among them), and the Mezins (A very martial and religious human empire that raids the primitive tribes).

Things to Note

Though an exact limit on characters doesn't exist: Initially only two elves will be accepted per member. With contributions (art, writing, games...etc.) more elves can be obtained. Both the member and the editor need to study and define each character as masses of elves can be bewildering and shortchange the characters themselves.

There is a temporary moratorium on five foot elves. The current maximum is 4'11" until further notice.

There is also only one cat blooded elf per member allowed.

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For any questions about the holt and for information on joining, please contact Annette Pschirrer

Copyright © 1997, 2001 All Rights Reserved
This page maintained by Chris McAllister
Last Updated 26 April 2001