ETPI consists of some of my friends and I from Tinley Park, Illinois. A few of these members follow:

(By the way, the music in the background is from Disney's Haunted Mansion.)

Members of ETPI:

Don't forget to see the Mike Paus Homepage --Paus He has a few pages, with some interesting animations that he made himself. There is also some informative stuff as well as some downloads and links. Mike is a, well, an eccentric person. Many people can't handle the fact that he's not all that politically correct. His lack of political correctness allows him to get his points across better, and I think some people would be happier if they could think like that. The point is, he speaks the truth, plain and simple. Those who can't handle the truth shouldn't listen to what he has to say. He's also very smart, and is a Computer Engineering major at Illinois Institute of Technology. He and I are developing the Thought Page. Check it out!

Also see the Homepage of Ryan Cummins, who has a lot to say on the downfalls of Windows. Ryan graduated from Southern Illinois University. Nobody's really sure what Ryan does now because he fell off the face of the planet, but there are rumors that he went east to New York.
Ryan had the most Atari, Coleco, and Intelivision II gaming systems I've ever seen in one spot. He had a wall of technology that is unsurpassed in the area of, um, experienced equipment.

CarrieCarrie Claus also has a homepage now. She's a nice person, a little strange, and a proud citizen of ETPI. She's into drama and goes to Concordia University. She hasn't written me in a while, so I can't tell ya how she's doing. I finally got a picture of her, and have placed it here. I just stole the image off of Mike Paus's page (he says I do too much html pirating, but I doubt it).

There are many members of ETPI, but only us four have web pages up so far. More pages will be available in the future.

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Last modified: 9 September 1999