Ah, so you have come to witness the very greatness of myself? Then I bid you welcome to some of the greatest spectacles you've ever seen! Do remember, though, that my tales are just that: stories. None of this has any base in reality whatsoever! Or does it?
This page is dedicated to Advanced Dungeons and Dragons material that I myself, and perhaps others, have created and decided to publish for others use. Eventually, this page will host a collection of material from the Ravenloft campaign setting. Anything from product reviews of those I own to the powerful NPCs of my game to magical items that can corrupt even the most devoted Paladin of his faith, or bring salvation to some of those of the Demiplane and other surprises like my views on some of the mysteries of the Mists. This is in the future, however, and not now. But I promise that eventually this page will be up and running. And THEN, then you will cower before me!
Johan the Winged
Who? Are you mad? Do not mention his name here! Of course, I will share his secrets…however, you will have to pay me whatever price I name, for I risk my very existence doing so!
Kalias Trivune, the Mad Bard of Alfheim
Well! I should hope this is myself! Learn of my dark past, and what brought me to this forlorn land of sorrow.
Ah, a truly tragic figure: the spirit of a dead master of the arts, such as myself. These sorrowful wanderers are set to travel eternally the Demiplane of Dread...how I pray this is not my fate.
Magical Items and Artifacts
Nothing planned right now…
The Truth About Arak
Strange, this piece of writing. It discusses the Shadow Elves of a domain called "Arak", yet I have never heard of this place. Strange that one such as myself would be in the dark...It is written by a "John Talisant," but him I do not know either, very peculiar.