It was a long time ago in an galaxy far, far away.. When young Anakin lost his way. it was he who started the rife when he became a Darth Lord of the Sith. Yoda had warned the others that his future was clouded, That is how the future was re-routed. Thankfully along came his son, fresh off a moisture farm, from a planet with two suns. Ben started young Luke's teachings but the Dark Side was never far out of reach. Luke travelled to Yoda to finish his training and learnt how to be a Jedi even well it was raining. He faced the Emperor and became a Jedi, through and through but that is all he could do. It was Vader who was to give the final blow, and kill off the greastest foe. So now the galaxy is free, as all celebrated with glee.
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Note: This is purely a fan page so I really don't claim copyrites or such. If something is on here and it shouldn't be let me know, I'll gladly fix the problem!