wrong wolf title

     herein i shall be posting comics that i have made through the years, whether alone or in collaboration with others. and once i'm through with the old stuff, i'll be posting the new stuff that i've been meaning to write and draw for some time now.

flipped world
     way back, way, way, way back, i drew a set of spot cartoons, inspired as i was by larson's "far side" series. back then, i was still using speedball pens and india ink. while i don't remember giving the series a name, i have recently decided on a name: flipped world. for truly, it's a flipped world that we live in, that such strange and stupid things can happen.
     these spot cartoons were originally written in filipino though. some of the humor may get lost in the translation. anyways, i've done my best to translate it to english.
     there are now 20 spot cartoons here. only 2 new ones. that's because there were only 5 spot cartoons left in the series. i only posted 2 spot cartoons in this update so i can post the remaining spot cartoons in the next update. cheers!

superheroes eat, too
     not all superheroes are fortunate enough to be rich or have corporate sponsorship or even have a rich relative bankrolling their superhero activities. how then can a superhero stay at the top of his game and at the same time work for a living? hey! superheroes need to eat, too, right?

aggie & victor: slides of aggie running
     for those interested, here are enlarged versions of the slides featured in the last page of "aggie & victor, vol. 1, no. 1" below. enjoy making aggie run right in front of your very eyes! eventually, i'll either produce an animated flash or animated gif version of these slides and post it in the goodies page. i'll keep you guys posted on this.

aggie & victor, vol. 1, no. 1
     it's the endearing story of a little girl and her demonic skull. join aggie as she goes to school and meets her teacher and classmates for the very first time.


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last updated:

august 31 , 2007