End Bushs reign of terror!
How many must die in the name of oil? How fucked are the american people. Your vote doesn't count. Does anyone believe in this dog and pony show? It gives the people a game to play while the elite pull our strings. Never mind the man behind the screen. Oh great and powerfull OZ selling our souls for oil! But what can we do? Jack of shit! How long till they start removing the unsatisfied who complain to camps like they have in cuba? "How about a grass roots rebelion" some say! But what can a bunch of angry teenage punks and middle aged granola heads do against the technologically and tactically advanced united states military? NOTHING! As for me, Im gonna buckle down work my job and try to survive the best I can, after all I have a 4 year old son to take care of. Just remember folks, DONT TAKE THE CHIP!!!!!
Stuff I support and you should look into! Fair International concerned friends &
family of Mumia Abu-Jamal Refuse & Resist Unite! National Commission for Democracy
in Mexico FREE TIBET! |