HEY!!!!!! Send in those love dedications!! Enjoy!!! Send more in!! Remember the poems.
To David from Nikole:To: David From: Nikole You know that I like you alot and I always will! Just give me a chance! The like has turned into love! Yes, I admit it..... I LOVE YOU! Please...just give me a chance to be your girlfriend! PLEASE! Hehe Love Alwayz, Nikole~~~~~Nov 23, 2000
To John from Kayla: ..... John ,if u r listening I luv u so much
When your feeling blue I am too.
Here is what i have to say: YES!!!!!!!!!!I luv u too much now, that if I don't get u then I will not get to be with u, so I want to always be therefor u so i will sayyesAug 30, 2000
To : Stephy, Andrea, and Sofia From: CaT ~~~~~> I Love you 477-------->
To :DaNnY From: Lori:´¨`»´¨`»Hey DanNy! This is one of my friends' ideas and well....she convinced me
to do it...even though, ~~~~~" Te quiero mucho, mucho, mucho"~~~ I LoVe YoU!! ~~MuAh~*Bye~~~Lori Lori!!
2:Ray 4rm:Yenia Hey sweetie u have been so nice 2 me and i wanna meet u i luv u lots *143* *muahz*08-09-2000
TO MY GIRLS:JENNY(QTCOOKIE143)ROSY(qbanqt224)a big huge and kiss
to my big brother biggie..i love and thank you for everything also to my babe neil(qbnkid007)babe thank you for alwayz being there for me.=)~*~i love all of you guys From: DeStInY~~08-08-2000
To: ·¤*´¨`´¨ Monica, Melissa·¤*´¨`´¨ Lori, Suzie,
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