Other Video Game Tips For Your NU64

By Mark Muri

Wave Race

Dolphin Ride

Perform every stunt, and hit all the rings in stunt mode in Dolphin Park. Here are all the stunts you will have to do.


Stand and Back Flip

Ride the handlebars

Backwards Flip

Barrel Roll left and right

Submarine of the ramp.

If you get all the rings you'll hear dolphins chattering. When you cross the finish line and you'll see a dolphin rider in the opening demo.

Reverse Course

Complete the Championship Mode, and you will reveive a new option in the skill level called the reverse mode. This mode has eight rounds of wave-pounding action and blind turns.

Wave Race Wildlife

You get to see different kinds of wildlife here are the requirements to see these animals.

First Dolphin Wildlife requirement

In stunt mode, pass through all the rings and complete all the basic stunts once, including the left and right barrel roll. If done correctly, you'll hear dolphins chatter as you cross the finish line.

Second Dolphin Wildlife requirement

Choose championship mode, nirmal difficulty and Warm Up. Hold down on the control pad and choose a watercraft. Continue to hold down until you reach Dolphin Park.

More Dolphins (Had enough?)

To make baby dolphins appear, (Everybody: Awww!) follow the regular dolphins very closely for 3-7 laps. (He'll jump the ramp before the gate if you're doing well.) Play Warm Up 20 times in a row tp see the giant dolphin.

Orcas (More commonly known as a Killer Whale.)

To see killer whales in championship mode, score over 35 points before you reach Southern Island. If you score over 45 points, baby killer whales will hove into view. (Everybody: Awww! Again.)

Cool Wave Penguin (Theyv'e been known to appear in other continents than Anarctica.)

To see the penguin on the penguin on the Cool Wave course, play championship mode on the expert level. Take first place prior to Cool Wave to make the penguin appear.

Change Uniforms

Push up on the control stick on the jet ski selection screen. Activate your chosen color scheme by pushing A or B buttons.

Instant Acceleration

When the lights are showing when your about to start the race, leave your finger off the throttle until the green light lights up to start the race. This will give you an extra boost to get into first place.

Stunt Points

If this little tip you can score as much as 30,000 points in Dolphin Park in stunt mode. Look for a big wave and perform a jump stunt off the big wave. The wave is by the first ring. Perform any aerial stunt off the wave, such as a flip, and hit Start button to pause the game when you land. Immediately release the Start button. If you don't see a score message, you did it correctly. Now just cruise doing non-jump stunts such as a head stand or spinning on the nose of the jet ski. Pass through rings and try to go the check points as close to zero seconds as possible. At the end of the course, your score will be astronomical.


Here are some tips and tricks for the Mortal Kombat Trilogy for Nintendo 64.


Cruis'n USA

Secret Vehicles

This will give you cars like the Bus, the Jeep, and the Police Car. To do this highlight the car you want to replace, then push the Up, Down, and Left C Buttons at the same time and activate the new car by pushing Start. Here are a list of the cars that you can use the codes.

'69 Muscle Car-Jeep

La Bomba-School Bus

Devastator- Police Car

Light and Siren

This will give you a big advantage if you use this code when you are using the school bus or police car. First, select the school bus or police car, then get the fastest time for a race course for Highway 101. Enter your initials and scroll down the bottom of the scoreboard. Hold the control stick to the left for 30 seconds until a head rolls into view. The code is now activated. When the code is activated tap the brakes twice then hold the gas while you are racing the school bus or police car.

Nitrous Boost

This code gives a boost to any car. To activate the code by getting the fastest time on Highway 101, and scan down the scoreboard to the end. Next, bring up the head again by holding down the control stick left. Activate the boost by pushing Brake, Brake, Gas, Brake, Gas. You can use one boost for each checkpoint in a race.

More Single Races

This code gives you the races in Indiana, San Francisco, and the Golden Gate Bridge. (The only course you can't race in single race mode is Washington D.C.) Here is a list of how you can get these races.


Hihlight Beverly Hills, then hold the Left button, Top and Right C buttons plus Start.

San Francisco

Highlight Grand Canyon, push the Left button, Bottom and Right C buttons and Start.

Golden Gate

Highlight US 101, pressing the Left button and bottom C buttons and Start.

NBA Hangtime

For NU64

Baby mode

See your favorite NBA players when they were kids. Enter the code 025, using the A buttons and C buttons on the matchup screen.

Stealth Mode

Makes your turbo bar not on the screen. To do this enter the code 273 on the matchup screen the same way you would enter the code of baby mode by using the A and C buttons.

Roof Jam

This will make the court look like its on a roof of a big city like New York, or Chicago. To do this hold left on the control pad and push turbo three times. You'll know if you enter the code when the crowd starts chanting, "Not in our house!"

Maxed Out Rejection

Enter 616 on the Tonights Matchup Screen

Legal Goaltending

Enter 937 on the Tonights Matchup Screen

No Music

Enter 048 on the Tonights Matchup Screen

No Pushing

Enter 390 on the Tonights Matchup Screen

Hyper Speed

Enter 552 on the Tonights Matchup Screen

Unlimited Turbo

Enter 461 on the Tonights Matchup Screen

Team Photo

Enter Funcom as your name and 1993 as your PIN. Press B, not start to lock in your choices.

Super Nintendo

Champion Screen

If you use this. You are a real cheater. Because I'm not telling what the surprise is (nah-nah nah nah. Ha Ha.)

Go to the matchup screen and press Start, Y, Right, A, B, Up, Start, Up, Down, Down, Start L Button, A, Down and Down before the screen fades.

Power Special

For Unlimited Turbo, Hyber Speed, and fast passing all together press Up, Right, Down, Left, Start, A,B,Y,X, and Select

City Court

press Down+B, Down, Down+A, Down, Down+X, Down, Down+Y and Down

Rooftop Court

press Left, Left+Y, Left and Left+Y

Jungle Court

press L button, the R button, Select, Start, Up, Down, A,B,Y, and X

No tag/ No Assist

Press Left, Left, B and the R Button to switch off the tag arrows. To turn off the computer assist option press Right, Righ +B, Right, and Right+B

Cheats for the NU 64 Version

put these numbers down here as your PIN number

120- Fast Passing

273- Stealth Turbo Meter

284- Maximum Speed

390- No pushing allowed

461- Unlimited Turbo

552- Hyber Speed

616- Maximum Blocking

709- Quick hands (Maximum Steal)

802- Maximum Power

937- Legal Goal Tending

Rodman's Hair

Select Dennis Rodman on the Player Select Window and press the pass button. There are eight colors you can use to change Dennis Rodman's hair.

Shot Percentage

Hold Up on the control stick as you enter the Tonight Matchup Screen, then swirl the control stick clockwise. If you did this right, the computer will display the the odds of making a shot.

Meet the Big Heads

Gives you big heads. To do this, hold Up on the control stick, Turbo and Pass as you enter the Match-Up screen.

Power Special

To maximize your performance first press and hold Shoot as you enter the Match-Up screen. Continue to hold Shoot and swirl the control stick clockwise.

Hidden and Dublicate Players

Wayne Gretzkey's 3D Hocky

For NU64

Meet the Head Men

To get the head sizes, go to the option menu screen and push the Bottom C buttons and the Right C button on the controller. Here is a list of what happens depending on how many times you hit it.

First Time- Guys heads look like Junior Hockey team

Second Time- Heads looks bigger

Third Time- Looks like they came out alive from a vicious South American tribe, and dunk there heads in that special head shrinking potion.

Honey! I Shrunk and Blew Up the Hockey Team. Yes, Even Wayne too. (And it was not Shilentzkey.)

To get this option, go to the option screen. Push Left C button and the Right C button. The first time you shrink the team. The next time you do this you get the Shartzenager Buildup.

Stretch & Squeeze and the Rink.

You know how to do this for players. Now you can do this to the rink. To widen the rink, go to the option screen, push the Top C buttons and the Right C button to widen the rink.

To shorten the rink, enter the code twice.

It's a Bird, It's a Plane. It's the Super Teams. (They cannot be destroyed by kriptonite, and a red sun.)

This will give you Williams, 99ers (This is in honor for Wayne Gretzkey. Not a special date.), team Canada, and team USA. First, go to the option screen before choosing your team and hold the Left button, then push the following C buttons: Right, Left, Left, Right, Left, Left, Right, Left, Left. You'll see a Northeast Conference with the hidden teams.

Gretzky Kombat

This code will give you an ability to fight majority of the time by just checking or triping them. To do this, go to the option screen, hold the L Button and press the following C Buttons: Right C, Left C, Left C, Right C, Bottom C, Top C, Top C, Bottom C, Left C, Right C, Right C, Left C, Right C, Left C. If you did this right, you will see a message on the bottom of the option screen, and fight most of the time you are on the ice with your team. Now start the game as usual.

KI Gold

Gargos Code

When you see the biographical info on the different fighters. Push the following buttons in order:Z, A, Right, Z, A, B. You'll hear a low laugh. On the character wheel, you can choose to fight Gargos.

Play in the Sky Stage

On the character select menu, push Down and Medium Kick on both controllers tp reach the sky stage.

Dressin' Like a Champ

Choose the training mode level in the option menu. Defeat the hard level to automatically learn all three new uniform colors. In the character selection screen you can select the new uniform colors in addition to the original seven.

Killer Arena Select

In a two-player mode, the first player must choose Up on the control stick and one of the Punch or Kick buttons. Here is a list of the codes that you need to use to get to select one of the 11 arenas plus one random arena selections.

Castle-Push Up on the control stick and Quick Punch

Jungle-Push Up and Medium Punch

Spaceship-Up and Fierce Punch

Stonehenge-Up and Quick Kick

Museum-Up and Medium Kick

Helipad-Up and Fierce Kick

Bridge- Push Down and Quick Punch

Dungeon-Down and Medium Punch

Street-Down and Fierce Punch

Spinal's Ship- Down and Quick Kick

Random Selection- Down and Fierce Kick

Random Select Challenge

On the character select screen, press Up and Start

Pick and Name That Tune

In two-player mode, after the arena is chosen, Player two can select the tune by pressing Up and Down on the control stick and one of the punch or kick buttons. You'll see the song's name on the screen.

Gargos Galore

These are some special moves for Gargos. I wish to thank Nintendo Power for these codes that are in volume #96.


To open a combo, use a Dash (Foward, Down-Foward, Down, Down-Back, Back and Medium or Fierce Kick) or a pounce (Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Foward, Foward, and Fierce Kick)


A single moves doubles as Gargos's Linker and Pressure Move. To do this move enter the following buttons. Remember to use the control stick if you are going to do this move if it says to move Up, Down, etc. To use the move do this code: Foward, and Fierce Kick. To throw an opponet, move in very close and press Foward and Fierce Punch.


Use the Claw Uppercut (Foward, Down, Down-Foward and Fierce Punch) to break an opponets combo. Use the ponce move (Described above) to sail through a projectile attack.

Sample Combo #1

For a four hit super combo, starts off with a Medium Kick Dash as your Opener, followed by a Quick Kick or Quick Punch Auto Double and topped off with a Claw Uppercut as the finisher. It's short, sweet, and most of all, it's Painful!

Sample Combo #2

For a slightly longer combo, try this move: Pounce+Medium Kick or Medium Punch+Claw Uppercut. Once you have this down, try to build longer combos by adding in a Linker and then another Auto Double.

Pilotwings 64

Give Mario a Wario Face Lift.

When you play Little America in the cannon stage aim at Mario's face that is by Mt. Rushmore if you hit Mario, you'll see Wario. You can also do this trick in the Gyrocopter stage also to by hitting Mario in the nose with missels. When you hit Wario in this face, it will turn back to Mario.

The One Way Round Trip From New York to San Francisco

In Little America, head for New York and look for the park with the secret star in the rocketbelt stage. Just west is a green office building with a ground level enterence. Fly inside and you'll see an N64 logo on the wall. Fly out the opposite door and you'll end up in San Francisco.

Refuel Your Gyro

In Little America, look for the oil rig landmark off the Georgia coast, and head inland. Land on a highway heading south and turn to the gas station on the right. Keep the copter moving, and drive through the parking lot of the gas station, crossing the white stripe in the middle. At that point, you'll hear a tone indicating that you've refeuled Don't ever stop the copter! After getting the gas, head back onto the highway and take off. You can do this as many times as you want to.

Another One Way Round Trip From Miami to Seattle

In Little America, look for airplane hanger door in Florida in the rocketbelt stage. Fly straight inside, then turn around and fly right back outside. Then you'll be warped to Seattle.

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter

Disco Mode- enter SNFFRR as your password. This will cause the enemies to dance in their place that you would find them. It also causes flashing lights and other disco stuff.

Pen & Ink Mode- enter DLKTDR as your password. This will give you no color. Just your "wire frame"

Sprint Mode- enter THSSLKSCL as your password. This will grant you invincibility and slows down the game's action.

Gallery Pt. 1- This will give you a "rogue gallery" of enemy characters, first enter THBST as your password. Now access the cheat menu highlight gallery and press A.

Gallery Pt. 2- now in the gallery you can scroll through a roster of the game's villians. Use the control stick and various zoom in and out buttons, and rotate the figures. Press Start if you want to exit

Credits- To see the ending credits, first enter FDTHMGS as your password. Then go to the cheat menu, and highlight credits and press A. Press start if you want to go back to the cheat menu.

Look for More- No passwords for this one. You have to finish the game, and also accomplish certain tasks. Concentrate on finishing the game and collecting items and see what happens. Then you can get a password to cheat.

Infinate Lives-The password is FRTHSTHTTRLSCK. Sorry, no warps.

All Weapons-The password is CMGTSMMGGTS. Now let's see how those dinos and natives like being chased.

Infinite Ammo-The password is BLLTSRRFRND. Again let's see how those dinos and natives like being chased.


Doom 64

The passwords here get you to different stages in the game. Have Fun!


The Terraformer-CT5KQBYTSVS?FJK7

Main Engineering-B7P92H6FRHQ0Z??Z



Alpha Quadrant-V87NRTZSGCNDN5PB

Research Lab-VR9HRTX55C3PFSPB

Final Outpost-Y9KCR271XDMT6M5B

Even Simpler-YSNQVF0LM61NYB5B



Altar of Pain-4?T3QF04BB1F6JLB


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