Hi, my name is Matt Steed. I'm a 22 (born February 19, 1981) year old senior at Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts; where I major in economics with a minor in history. I graduated from Crescent Valley High School. When not at Tufts, I live in Corvallis, Oregon. I enjoy the computer games Earth:2025 and Utopia where I'm know as Zarubi, MUDding, Skiing, Bowling, Ultimate Frisbee, and Biking. In high school, I was an active part of the German Klub, Ski Team, and lots of bands at school including the Wind Ensemble, Pep Band, and Marching Band. I also like jokes and other types of humor. From time to time, I surf the Web, and I've found some pretty cool (read horribly outdated and limited) links, feel free to submit your own link also. When I have spare time, I...I, um... hrmm, spare time, I don't recall ever having any to use. I usually spend all of my time doing homework and other fun stuff like that *snicker* What spare time I do usually have, I'm doing one of the things mentioned above.
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