An Introduction
The following Lost Episode Reviews are just They are not fan fiction or creative works
like the usual fare you will find on the newsgroup or other fanfic
collection. They are written in a review format but are
based on a non-existant X-Files episode that is the work of
my delusional mind...hence the creative aspect.
What you will find though, is an X-file in each review.
The Lost Episodes are intended to mimic an actual episode
that was never aired; thereby earning them their "not ready
for prime-time" or lost episode status. Since they are not
written as stories, they will often seem sketchy, leaving
your imagination to fill in the blanks. But most good
episodes leave you that task anyway.
Standard Disclaimer
The X-Files and the characters lifted from the
aforementioned show are the creation of Chris Carter and the
property of Mr. Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions, and the
Fox Conglomerate. Any similarity to these characters is
intended but no infringement or disrespect is.
The Episodes