Emmalee: As far as adolescent vixens go, 'Lee breaks some of the standards. For one, she finds airheads and ditzes and such extremely revolting. She enjoys being considered 'intelligent' and even a 'genius' by others for her skill at writing and reading. She also isn't as sloppy as most 'teens are considered to be. In fact, she's fastidious and obsessed with cleanliness, her room is one prime example. It's neat and organized, (until you look at the closet, which doesn't count 'coz you can't see it half the time) and usually the only thing that's not in order is the bed, which is never made. Well, almost never. She loves to draw, although she's not exactly wonderful at it, but she *is* a fairly good writer, (I say fairly as an overstatement, really.) and enjoys reading when she gets the chance. She considers herself a woodlander, bordering on being neutral. Why? Woodlanders are sometimes extremely irritating, and occasionally, she'd rather not be associated with them. At those times, she considers herself neutral to it all. she's a conservative dresser, wears clothes that are too big because she's afraid she'll outgrow them even though she hasn't grown in a season or so, and she feels doomed to be 5'0 for the rest of her life....