Silvamord is one of the three leaders of Eclipse, a band of tough foxes who live together in a secret campsite somewhere on the outskirts of Mossflower country. As far as leaders go, Silva is the most hotheaded of the three. Her sister Taan, and Ty's friend Nisyha are the other two, and probably the most 'normal', as well. As a young kit, Silvamord was shunned by her own parents, and they never really knew her. She still doesn't know why they hated her so, but her resentment grew into a cold hatred which she's had ever since, until rather recently. A month or so ago, Silva resolved to be a better gal, improving her image and stuff. The change of heart was the result of a series of nightmares she had that scared her out of her wits. Silva still isn't a very affectionate type, but she adores her godkit, Kryz, and has a not-so-secret crush on Skylar of Selwyn, who has a very obvious crush on her.
1. Gender: Female
2. Species: Fox
3. Fur Color: Silver
4. Headfur Color: Naturally white
5. Age: 11 1/2 seasons, or 23 in human terms
6. Eye color: Obsidian Green
7. Height: About 5'4 in human terms
8. Weight: 100 pounds in human terms..very underweight.
9. Fave food: Roast Plover
10. Occupation: Leader of Eclipse
DISCLAIMER: The name "Silvamord" was invented by the ingenious author, Brian Jacques. I am in NO WAY trying to take credit for inventing this character. However, the character "Silvamord" in Brian Jacques' book "The Bellmaker" is drastically different in personality from the Silvamord that frequents Redwall MUCK, which is one of the characters I play, and the character who is profiled on this page. Therefore, I invented much of the information on this page, and hopefully, Mr. Jacques will not be offended or hurt by this.